Perfil de la Planta sobre la White S1 (por OG Raskal Genetics)
Este perfil de planta fue generado por 1 perfiles individuales, un agradecimiento especial a: mawgwa
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Impresion General
White S1 (OG Raskal Genetics) (Indoor) está todo junto absolutamente no recomendable
(¡En promedio 0 puntos en una escala entre 0 y 10!)
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mawgwa dice
Im now on my third seed from this expensive disapointment. One seed failed to germinate and the other 2 that did acted exactly the same. They were so weak that they needed help to escape the seed hull, both continued with such a lack of vigor that the oldest one (2 months old) is a 5 inch seedling whos leafs keep dying for an unknown reason and it is clear that neither will ever turn into a viable plant. what you end up with if you can get them as far along as I did is a sort of bonsai seedling complete with bark forming on the trunk of the 5 inch 2 month old plant. Just disgracefull. I see where others have had good sucess whith this so im now wondering if there was some tomfoolery on the part of the seed bank from whom i purchased it. It was out of stock everywhere else and i got it from some random seed seed seller by the name of sour patch seeds. Having said that however i also bought a triangle kush backcross from them at the same time which turned out amazingly good so who knows what the story is.One thing is sure, these OG Rascal white s1 seeds that came from them are complete garbage.
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