Perfil de la Planta sobre la The Hog (por TH Seeds)

Este perfil de planta fue generado por 1 perfiles individuales, un agradecimiento especial a: dante

Informaciòn acerca del crecimiento de las plantas:

Tiempo de floracion en interior
Entre 85 y 85 días (Promedio: 85)
Se estira despues del inicio de la floracion
±: estiramientoPorcentaje Porcentaje
Inicial de floración alrededor de 25 cm. - Altura final sobre unos 80 cm.
Las plantas de esta variedad de cannabis...
  • ...estan bien adaptadas para un mar verde SoG (See of Green).
  • una buena eleccion para cultivadores comerciales.

Cosecha, Rendimiento, Sabor, Aroma, potencia y eficacia.

Produccion / Cantidad
La cosecha de esta variedad es rendimientos increíblemente altos y absolutamente superiores


No hay datos disponibles para esta cepa.

Olor / Aroma

No hay datos disponibles para esta cepa.


No hay datos disponibles para esta cepa.

Impresion General

The Hog (TH Seeds) (Indoor) está todo junto cepa loca - absolutamente recomendable

(¡En promedio 10 puntos en una escala entre 0 y 10!)

Más información

dante dice

This report is on the legendary Hogsbreath pheno of T.H.Seeds Hog.Hogsbreath is a legendary strain from Tennessee. Its Hindu Kush x Afghani and it was the Cannabis Cup Winner for Best Indica 2002.The potency and yield of this strain is outstanding, I can easily see why it won the cup. It is the most potent Indica I have ever smoked and it is the all time favorite with everyone around here. I have grown many Indicas and none of them matched the potency of Hog. I recently grown T.H.Seeds MK-Ultra, the 2003 cup winner and I felt it was good but not as couchlock as Hog. Other strains I have grown like G-13 x Hash Plant, Sensi Star, Afghani, Hindu Kush, Lifesaver and many others did not match the potency of Hog. That is why I say it is outstanding.The yield in SOG is outstanding, I get 1.8 grams per watt with it. I flower clones at 10 inches and they finish around 30 inches. I flower the clones at four per square foot and yield 5 ounces. It is the best yielding Indica I have come across so far. SOG growers will be floored with the yields.The bad news is this strain is unstable. So I recommend growers to grow out no less then a pack of seeds to make sure you get the Hogsbreath pheno. The other phenos are good but not as good as the Hogsbreath pheno. It is well worth the effort to get this pheno.The smoke taste like hash and the high is of narcotic quality, heavy and lethargic. The buds release and foul bad breath odor when you are cutting into them. I have many friends that love foul smelling strains and they go nuts over Hog. In fact they go crazy when I run out of it, so I would call it ?green crack?. This strain is the ?holy grail? for Indica lovers and commercial SOG growers alike.I highly recommend this strain and tip my hat to Adam and the T.H.Seeds crew for bringing such an outstanding strain to market.Keep it green.

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