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Perfil de la Planta sobre la Sannie's Jack (por Sannie's Seeds)
Este perfil de planta fue generado por 1 perfiles individuales, un agradecimiento especial a: Saintsinnermann
Informaciòn acerca del crecimiento de las plantas:
tiempo de la cosecha en exterior o al aire libre o guerrilla
- Comportamiento durante el crecimiento
robusta y rapida
- Las ramas laterales
longitud media a larga
así bien
fuerte y vigoroso
Cosecha, Rendimiento, Sabor, Aroma, potencia y eficacia.
- Produccion / Cantidad
La cosecha de esta variedad es excelente
- Potencia / Duracion del efecto
La yerba es muy fuerte y duradero
- Tolerancia al fumar
educación de tolerancia extremadamente lenta
Olor / Aroma
No hay datos disponibles para esta cepa.
No hay datos disponibles para esta cepa.
Impresion General
Sannie's Jack (Sannie's Seeds) (Outdoor) está todo junto muy bueno y muy recomendable
(¡En promedio 9 puntos en una escala entre 0 y 10!)
Más información
Saintsinnermann dice
Truly my favorite Jack strain. The head high is unbeatable, BUT comes with the problem of an insanely long flower time which is extremely hard to facilitate in my northern US based area, so after 5 or so years of growing only Sannie's Jack as my sativa I was forced to move away from her, but I still smile when she crosses my mind ;) If you are an outdoor grower in a northern latitude that sees rain in October and November add a clear cover. If covering be warned that she can be a tall girl, she usually topped out at the 12-13' range for me (with no training and an incredible amount of sunlight in spring/summer AND fall, aside from Oct/Nov rain I'm in the perfect sativa zone.) Above average mold resistance so it will handle a few showers. Inside she is much more compact and responds well to training but really her outside top quality yields will blow your mind if you can protect her from too much rain. (NOTE: while branches and main stem are strong, support is recommended for tall girls with massive yields, I had good experience with absolutely no breaks despite 30MPH winds with a single line of tomato mesh support across the growing area (4 plants long, ~5' wide) at 5' and 10'.
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Los perfiles de plantas individuales sobre esta variedad fueron subidos por: Saintsinnermann
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