Aquí puede encontrar toda la información sobre Original Glue desde GG Genetics. Si está buscando información sobre Original Glue de GG Genetics, consulte nuestro: Información básica, Galería, Degustación, Premios, Recensiónes, Comparaciones Directas, Linaje / Genealogía, Híbridos / Cruces, Comentarios del usuario, para esta variedad de cannabis aquí en esta página y siga los enlaces para obtener aún más información. O enumerar todos Original Glue Cepas (± 2) Si tienes alguna experiencia personal con el cultivo o el consumo de esta variedad de cannabis, ¡utiliza los subir enlaces para subirlos a la base de datos!
Original Glue (aka Gorilla Glue #4) is an mostly sativa from GG Genetics y se puede cultivar indoors (Donde las plantas necesitarán un tiempo de floración de ±67 días) GG Genetics y Original Glue es/nunca fue disponible como semillas feminizadas.
Gorilla Glue #4 gets it names from the trichomes that "glue" up the scissors when manicuring this baby.
Gorilla Glue #4 was accidently created by Joesy Whales when some Chem Sis plants he was growing hermied and pollinated his Sour Dubb. Tired of seeded gardens, Joesy tossed out the strain. But his buddy, Mardogg, still had some seeds. Mardogg popped the beans years later and ended up with 4 pheno's of the GG, deciding #4 was worth keeping.
Joesy Whales: i have been getting alot of questions about the gg4 so im going to tell everyone how it went down, a few years ago i was growing sour dubb and chem sister and some others, the chem sis threw a couple nanners and hit the sour dubb, i held those seeds for a year or so and finally popped 5 of them, they were ok, really had one nice pheno but i lost it in a security scare, the other 4 pheno's all hermed on me and tottaly seeded my whole stadium run, i was pissed, i got rid of all of it to a friend, marrdog. he kept alot of the seeds and about a year later we had a joint grow going and he popped i belive it was 6 of those seeds, i was really concerned that they would herm and dident have much hope for them, they were all female, we ended up with pheno's 1 2 4 and one we called the runt, all were outstanding, the clear winner though was the gg 4. so thanks to marrdog and lady luck
Genetics: Sour Dubb x Chem Sis
Flowering Time: 9-10 weeks
Yield: Moderate
Patient Expectations
Scent: Lemon, pine. slightly minty
Flavor: Sweet, chocolatey, diesel aftertaste
Effects: Clear, cerebral
Suggested Medical use: Menstrual cramps
Hemos recopilado comentarios de 2 para Original Glueinterior.
la hierba es absolutamente inútil
¡Original Glue obtiene 99.00 de 10 puntos posibles en promedio!
How is Original Glue growing and effecting compared to other varieties? 0 seedfinder users uploaded direct comparisons with GG Genetics' Original Glue and compared this cannabis variety with 0 other strain(s).
GG Genetics Original Glue:Encontramos 714 descendientes directos de GG Genetics en la base de datos de seedfinder, aquí una breve descripción. Para ver todos los híbridos y sus descendientes, visite nuestra Página Genealogía de Original Glue y eche un vistazo a todos los descendientes directos, los cruces como las siguientes generaciones.
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