Perfil de la Planta sobre la Lemon Orange (por Green House Seeds)
Este perfil de planta fue generado por 3 perfiles individuales, un agradecimiento especial a: dreembomber, dreembomber, MedicalScreener y Narc1983
Informaciòn acerca del crecimiento de las plantas:
- Tiempo de floracion en interior
Entre 60 y 67 días (Promedio: 62)
- Se estira despues del inicio de la floracion
±: estiramientoPorcentaje Porcentaje
Inicial de floración alrededor de 35 cm. - Altura final sobre unos 80 cm.
- Comportamiento durante el crecimiento
se estira, delgadita, vigorosa y rapida
- Las ramas laterales
no muchos
extremadamente largo
así bien
extremadamente delgado y exiguo
- Las plantas de esta variedad de cannabis...
...pueden colocarse muy juntas.
- ve y crece mas como una indica.
...responden bien a la poda del tallo principal.
Cosecha, Rendimiento, Sabor, Aroma, potencia y eficacia.
- Produccion / Cantidad
La cosecha de esta variedad es común
- Brotes / Hojas
La proporción de yemas a hojas es pico absoluto.
- Estructura del cogollo
Los cogollos secos son duro como una roca y extremadamente compacto
- Potencia / Duracion del efecto
La yerba increíblemente fuerte y muy duradero
Olor / Aroma
No hay datos disponibles para esta cepa.
Impresion General
Lemon Orange (Green House Seeds) (Indoor) está todo junto extraordinario y bastante recomendable
(¡En promedio 8 puntos en una escala entre 0 y 10!)
Más información
Narc1983 dice
Hi stoners,
This Strain is a Blast, never had anything that close to its official discription. Taste and high are absolut fabulous.
Usually i prefer older Strains with less THC (SuperLemonHaze being my fav) but this one is really smooth even with its high THC level.
High is uplifting and activating at first and really hits you hard after some time but still keeps you activated somehow :) love it
Grow is strong and quite stretchy. Went from 35cm to 80cm in 21 Days around. Harvest time after 63 to 70 Days is absolut solid. 25% Amber Trichomes.
Leaf coloring started pretty early around Flower Day35.
I was able to arrange 3 Phenotypes out of 12 Seeds overall. #2 being my Favorite. The smell is just heaven my Friends :)
#1 Less Stretchy, LemonZest dominant, Resin bomb, and full green colors (dry smell is LemonZest/Earthy)
#2 Strechty, OrangeZest dominant, slightly purple leafs but green when dry (dry smell is Orange/Lemon fruit and bloomy)
#3 Stretchy, OrangeZest dominant, absolut red and purple leafs, full purple colors when dry (dry smell is Orange/Leather/Earthy)
Overall i advise this Strain to anyone who like citrusy and strong Weed.
Less hazey but soo many other fabulous aromas.
MedicalScreener dice
I will not grow Greenhouse seeds anymore. The Church as a strong strain and Lemon Orange was very unstable.
dreembomber dice
Hi there!
Well, the strain is quite good. It grows tall enough, have long parralel stems. I had six almost identical colas and a few sidebranches. It has fat smell and frosty as best strains outta there. Buds are hard and very! easy to trim. That is important, I guess. Crop is not heavy, around 60 g. I had 1 plant under 200w led, powerful enough I mean, so 4 w veg, 63days flowering. It turn mostly violet and it looks good.
Aroma is mix of leather and citrus diesel. specific enough, and I had those aroma in freebie from local shop, which was called LSD. That smoke was calming too, so I can conclude it is mostly indica terpene profile. I also grew several Super Lemon Hazes Autos and this aroma is different. Lemon Orange is more of wood and those oily musky leather tones.
Smoke is strong and very calming, more on the indica side, I mean stoner is strong.
Overall is very solid. Proofed GHS quality
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Los perfiles de plantas individuales sobre esta variedad fueron subidos por: dreembomber, dreembomber, MedicalScreener y Narc1983
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