Perfil de la Planta sobre la ICE (por Female Seeds)
Este perfil de planta fue generado por 1 perfiles individuales, un agradecimiento especial a: Nuggy
Informaciòn acerca del crecimiento de las plantas:
- Tiempo de floracion en interior
Entre 64 y 64 días (Promedio: 64)
- Se estira despues del inicio de la floracion
±: estiramientoPorcentaje Porcentaje
Inicial de floración alrededor de 100 cm. - Altura final sobre unos 50 cm.
- Comportamiento durante el crecimiento
como arbol de navidad
- Las ramas laterales
una gran mayoría
longitud ligeramente superior a la media
así bien
fuerte y vigoroso
- Las plantas de esta variedad de cannabis...
...son suceptibles a los hongos.
- ve y crece mas como una indica.
...necesita apoyarse en tutores durante el periodo de floracion. (redes, tutores, palos de Bambu).
...responden bien a la poda del tallo principal.
Cosecha, Rendimiento, Sabor, Aroma, potencia y eficacia.
- Produccion / Cantidad
La cosecha de esta variedad es excelente
- Brotes / Hojas
La proporción de yemas a hojas es por encima del promedio.
- Estructura del cogollo
Los cogollos secos son duro y compacto
- Potencia / Duracion del efecto
La yerba es muy fuerte y duradero
- Tolerancia al fumar
educación ordinaria sobre tolerancia
Olor / Aroma
No hay datos disponibles para esta cepa.
No hay datos disponibles para esta cepa.
Impresion General
ICE (Female Seeds) (Indoor) está todo junto Buena variedad, pero hay mejores.
(¡En promedio 7 puntos en una escala entre 0 y 10!)
Más información
Nuggy dice
Ice has been a favorite strain for years but unfortunately, I won't be growing it again because of it's susceptibility to powdery mildew. I did an outdoor grow of Ice 7 or 8 years ago, 1 plant that was heavily topped. It became a monster, 6' high and 5' in diameter. The yield from that single plant was 3 pounds. Fortunately, it was a relatively dry summer and I didn't experience any mildew or mild issues. So needless to say I was excited to grow it indoors. At around week 5 I noticed the powdery mildew and with daily treatments of a mist of 1 tablespoon baking soda to a quart of water, I was able to keep the mildew in check and prevent it from infecting too many buds.
The plants were grown in an 8 pot RDWC system using Cultured Solutions nutrients. It was a fairly aggressive feeder, topping out at about 420 ppm (500 scale). A slight mag deficiency was cleared up quickly with a little supplement of epson salts. Humidity was kept below 50% and additional air circulation was employed to help keep the mildew in check.
While the indoor yield wasn't anything like that outdoor plant, it was still very good, considering the plants were vegged to 24" and topped out at about 3 1/2'. Average yield was 5 1/2 ounces per plant, with one plant giving over 8. These were grown from seed and 3 phenos were observed. One was larger with bigger buds, the other had similar buds but slightly smaller. The third pheno had much smaller buds and foxtailed heavily. I had two of this pheno and they only averaged 4 oz. per plant, dragging down the overall average.
With the exception of the mildew, this a great plant with a fine indica smoke.
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Los perfiles de plantas individuales sobre esta variedad fueron subidos por: Nuggy
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