Aquí puede encontrar toda la información sobre Albany Sour desde Clone Only Strains. Si está buscando información sobre Albany Sour de Clone Only Strains, consulte nuestro: Información básica, Galería, Degustación, Premios, Recensiónes, Comparaciones Directas, Linaje / Genealogía, Híbridos / Cruces, Comentarios del usuario, para esta variedad de cannabis aquí en esta página y siga los enlaces para obtener aún más información. Si tienes alguna experiencia personal con el cultivo o el consumo de esta variedad de cannabis, ¡utiliza los subir enlaces para subirlos a la base de datos!
Albany Sour is an unknown from Clone Only Strains y se puede cultivar indoors and outdoors Clone Only Strains y Albany Sour es/fue solo clon disponible como semillas feminizadas.
Bag Appeal: In what I have to imagine is a continuance of some long standing tradition, my Albany Sour came virtually untrimmed. The bracts themselves are loose and foxtailed, providing significant surface area for resin coverage. Each calyx is sticky and slick in a way I rarely experience. Aggressively frosty, Albany Sour is beautiful and unlike most material I see, but this particular post-production results in a lot of unsmokable biomass.
Aroma: Pungent, raunchy and certainly unique, Albany Sour is not as loud as I expected. The aroma resembles that of a music festival – a noxious combination of stale beer and soured body odor. There is a lingering piney freshness in the background that cuts through the heavy, almost humid smell that radiates from the jar. When broken down, inviting latex and licorice terps emerge.
Flavor: Albany Sour tastes like spoiled milk mixed with burnt rubber. Undeniably sour, the flavor itself is subtle and the smoke has an unctuous mouthfeel. The flavor is gnarly, without being astringent, and features a slight lemon quality, almost like Crystal Light. The Chem notes are clear, but aren’t as sharp as a pure 91. The effects are wildly uplifting without a sedative crescendo, which is a clear departure from other Sours I’ve tried. Blissfully heady, a general lightness took over my body while a focused cerebral buzz took hold.
How is Albany Sour growing and effecting compared to other varieties? 0 seedfinder users uploaded direct comparisons with Clone Only Strains' Albany Sour and compared this cannabis variety with 0 other strain(s).
Clone Only Strains Albany Sour:Encontramos 5 descendientes directos de Clone Only Strains en la base de datos de seedfinder, aquí una breve descripción. Para ver todos los híbridos y sus descendientes, visite nuestra Página Genealogía de Albany Sour y eche un vistazo a todos los descendientes directos, los cruces como las siguientes generaciones.
Unluckily not one of this comments is in es!
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