Perfil de la Planta sobre la Afghan Skunk (por Advanced Seeds)
Este perfil de planta fue generado por 1 perfiles individuales, un agradecimiento especial a: jinxed1984
Informaciòn acerca del crecimiento de las plantas:
- Tiempo de floracion en interior
Entre 60 y 60 días (Promedio: 60)
- Se estira despues del inicio de la floracion
±: estiramientoPorcentaje Porcentaje
Inicial de floración alrededor de 76 cm. - Altura final sobre unos 119 cm.
- Comportamiento durante el crecimiento
espeso, bajita, como arbol de navidad, vigorosa y rapida
- Las ramas laterales
una gran mayoría
muy largo
así bien
muy fuerte y vigoroso
Cosecha, Rendimiento, Sabor, Aroma, potencia y eficacia.
- Produccion / Cantidad
La cosecha de esta variedad es ligeramente por encima del promedio
- Brotes / Hojas
La proporción de yemas a hojas es ligeramente por debajo del promedio.
- Estructura del cogollo
Los cogollos secos son duro como una roca y extremadamente compacto
No hay datos disponibles para esta cepa.
Olor / Aroma
No hay datos disponibles para esta cepa.
No hay datos disponibles para esta cepa.
Impresion General
Afghan Skunk (Advanced Seeds) (Indoor) está todo junto cepa loca - absolutamente recomendable
(¡En promedio 10 puntos en una escala entre 0 y 10!)
Más información
jinxed1984 dice
whats up world. as a first time grower i was desperate to find a seed that was cheap and able to hand;e the stress of a fisrt time grower.i searched the net and found the best prices online at herbie head shop.i fell in love with the huge se;ection of single seeds.i was amazed at top cola plants so i found a advanced seeds for $5 plus 12 shippings.i got myseed in 4 wks by mail and germinated. i placed plant under MH early and it responded well.blew up faster than i had tome tocut the main stem.early i had no choice but to keep cutting every 2 wks under lights then it became weekly.the plant had so man branches i let it veg for extra month.the plant was huge and grw 3x the size during flowering.buds started 2 wks after sexing.musky spicy smell not easy to hide.i didnt add to many nuts while flowering and the plants didnt reallyneed them.smells stayed at bay from just ph the water and adding zeo nutes during flowering.i also added flourescent coolblues in floweringroom.the buds grew nicely under the sodium bulb.disease free plant that survinved heats past 120F but i wouldnt recommend trying.great strain for beginners.i dont need to describe the buds the pics is a goodimpression if you had a magnifiyingglass.also, this grows extremely fast fromfirst root
the smoke is sweet taste andgood.really earthy.the smell is unforgettable very skunky and the dank kind.the smellyoucannot hide. peoplewillbe looking for a skunk after youhit this. buzz hit fast and heavy.put your mind at ease with a strongbuzz and mellowedout high.youwill hit this sit back and thinkdamn that was onlythe first wave.
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Los perfiles de plantas individuales sobre esta variedad fueron subidos por: jinxed1984
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