Perfil de la Planta sobre la Afghan Kush (por White Label)

Este perfil de planta fue generado por 1 perfiles individuales, un agradecimiento especial a: KushIsGood

Informaciòn acerca del crecimiento de las plantas:

Tiempo de floracion en interior
Entre 52 y 52 días (Promedio: 52)
Se estira despues del inicio de la floracion
±: estiramientoPorcentaje Porcentaje
Inicial de floración alrededor de 30 cm. - Altura final sobre unos 110 cm.
Las ramas laterales
muy poca cantidad ; corto así bien ordinario fuerte y vigoroso
Las plantas de esta variedad de cannabis...
  • necesitan muchos cuidados.
  • ...son tolerantes a la sobre-o la sub-fertilización.
  • tienen problema por las altas temperaturas.
  • una buena eleccion para principiantes.

Cosecha, Rendimiento, Sabor, Aroma, potencia y eficacia.

Produccion / Cantidad
La cosecha de esta variedad es alto
Brotes / Hojas
La proporción de yemas a hojas es muy bien.
Estructura del cogollo
Los cogollos secos son compacto ordinario
Potencia / Duracion del efecto
La yerba es muy fuerte y duradero
Tolerancia al fumar
educación de tolerancia ligeramente por encima del promedio


Ver todos los efectos de esta cepa.

Olor / Aroma

No hay datos disponibles para esta cepa.


Ver toda la información de sabor de esta variedad.

Impresion General

Afghan Kush (White Label) (Indoor) está todo junto extraordinario y bastante recomendable

(¡En promedio 8 puntos en una escala entre 0 y 10!)

Más información

KushIsGood dice

Yield[7/10]: Quite good yield. Got a little over an ounce under 400 W with beginner grow skills. Can not complain about the yield...easy to grow without any problems.

High[9/]0]: The high of this Afghan Kush is actually better as I expected. This is a real heavy indica stoned. Smoking this weed gets you in a relaxed and medicated body stoned. This is perfect if you want to relax or watch a movie. But there also is a little uplifted head high. This strain is what you need for the evening.

Taste[9/10]: Also the taste and smell is better as I expected. Decent Kush taste one of my personal favorite taste. It smells like a fruit.

Final[8/10]: I wonder why there is no review of this stain yet. I got some seeds from White Label and out of 4 seeds there were 3 females. In the end I am very impressed about this strain and it gave me more as I expected with its quality. The stoned is a heavy indica, personally I prefer indicas. It is the exact high you want to get for the evening if you want to relax but it`s even good during the day when you want to do things. Its more of a medical body high/stoned and a little head buzz but not psychioactive at all. I would recommend this to people with any chronic body pain, insomnia,epileptic seizures and way more things because this is calming you down. Its a very good taste with a long lasting Kush note. I recommend this to anybody who loves a pure indica Kush plant.

It got up to 110 cm without topping or fimming or anything. Only downside: Why are there no femi seeds of this? :(

Edit, impression after smoking it for a longer time: This is definitely a great high. You can smoke it during the whole day it will keep you uplifted but also a good indica for relaxing. Amazing kush!

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Los perfiles de plantas individuales sobre esta variedad fueron subidos por: KushIsGood

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