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Dinafem Seeds is listed as "green" at the SeedFinder. This means que absolutamente puede recomendar este banco de semillas. Esta empresa es muestra como un criador en SeedFinder...
I just ordered seeds from Dinafem a week ago,never received a confirmation email so I called their customer service number.The guy said their warehouse had been seized by police,everything shut down,but that they would reimburse me.Checked my bank,no reimbursement.Phoned again,guy says he has sent me many emails-I see nothing even in spam,not one email.Check banc again-no refund.What do I do next?
My first order from Dinafem. I will have to wait until the spring to see about the quality as it is almost the end of the outdoor season in Canada. I will update my review then. Shipping was pretty quick, said 15-30 day and arrived in 8 days. I ordered 9 seeds and they threw in 2 freebies (cool shit).
Problem bei Keimung Sour Diesel Auto,
Great delivery speed and pretty good packaging!
A FUIR Graines de très mauvaises qualités. 15 graines achetés pas une a germée. Jai eu droit a un remplacement mais encore une fois, pas une graine na germée. Je précise, je ne suis pas débutant. Daprès les distributeurs, les graines peuvent être cultivées au cours des deux ou trois années suivantes. Problème est que nous avons aucune information, concernant la date ou la graine a vu le jour. Il faudrait quil y est de noté sur les emballages le début de conservation et la fin de durée de conservation pour utiliser les graines de cannabis. Actuellement, comme il ny a rien dindiquer, tout laisse penser que certains distributeur vendent des graines périmée. Le cannabis nétant pas légaliser en France, difficile de porter plainte contre ce distributeur espagnol Dinafem. Si vous ne voulez pas perdre de largent et du temps, je vous conseil fortement de ne rien acheter chez eux.
The seeds came relatively quickly, with nice packaging, a poster, and a free seed to try another strain. Just made a second order with them as they are professional and legi.
Graines de super qualité, jai fait ma plus belle culture avec leur White siberian, une tuerie. Je recommande fortement
Great selection of Autos with a proven track record on genetics. While outer delivery envelope was stealth, the order inside was not. It was nice that they threw in lots of stickers, a poster and a few other things. Great "freebees" if you order direct. Delivery was by regular mail and took about three weeks, however order was shipped next day from Dinafem and they have no control over the mail system.
I wrote a review on July, that said that I did not get the seeds, I got the seeds today. The packaging is really good and the seeds are very well protected. Probably the Brazilian mail was responsible for the delay. Serious company,awesome genetics, I wish they could delivery by private companies such as tnt and UPS.
Sehr schlechte Keimrate, Vorallem Bei HUMBOLD 3er Packs und Sensi Seeds.aber auch bei den Sorten von Dinafem sind mehr als die Hälfte nicht KEIMFÄHIG. trozdem,Dinafem sendet meistens ersatz und ist sehr KundenFreundlich und die, wo überleben bis zum schluss, werden Grade AAA++++
Never got the seeds, Dinafem is a reliable breeder, but if you are in South America, order by Samenhal, Hipersemillas the Dinafem SEEDS
The order was attached to the customs officer, indicating that the order will be sent back if the order is returned, but the order has not gone back yet
3 Tage lieferdauer
Habe des öfteren dort bestellt,Top Breeder!
Sent the seeds via regular post after being pre-warned beforehand not to do it. They say they offer UPS shipping which is a lie. Customer service denies any wrong doing.
The purple afghan kush feminized seed turned out to be a male ,6 months of wasted time , I wrote to them and told them ,your feminized purple afghan kush was not a hermi but a plain male ,and they said they dont warranty that problem ,if it went hermi they would replace it ,BUT a male NO !!!! I will never order any of their products , we spend good money on seed banks ,and when you get ripped off it pisses me off,
Bon breeder sérieux, je recommande !
Retour sur mes 5 purple afghan kush, 3 graines nont pas prises, remplacé après contact du sav donc personnes très honnêtes, je suppose que je nai pas eu de chance pour une première commande mais ceci me pousse à continuer chez eux car ils ont un catalogue très interessant. Back on my 5 purple Afghan kush 3 seeds have not taken , replaced after contact with Dinafem very honest, I guess I have not had chance for a first order but i will be back because they have a very interesting catalog.
My first order and frankly my first grow lets see how it all goes.
aucun problème, reçu très rapidement, reste à voir la germination purple afghan kush: une graine très jolie mais les autres blanches, ça veut rien dire donc à suivre... une graine blue cheese auto offerte Mais ils ont lair très sérieux que ce soit dans la livraison ou le packaging no problem, received very quickly, remains to be seen sprouting 5 purple Afghan kush: one beautiful seed but the other white, it means nothing, so to follow ... one seed blue cheese auto gift But they have very serious either in the delivery or packaging
iver ordered with them on 6th jan 2016 recently, they sent me a email on 11th after requesting them to send me the tracking details of my order. they sent me the tracking details but honestly it looks like a promo site & i cant track anything at all on this url provided. now im not sure what exactly is the status since it shows still processing & its 11th jan 2016 today. has somesome had the same experience with them or its just me? now, im trying to call them on Telephone: +34 943 317400 but nobody picks up the phone. am i robbed? thanks ya all, please help with any word of advise.
super shop, gut verpackt mit infomaterial und Bonusseeds die wählbar sind. Lieferung hat knapp 14 tage gedauert, was aber ok ist. Ich kann die Firma nur wärmstens empfehlen!
top a top
alles ohne Probleme, neutral geliefert, mit reichlich Infomaterial über Seeds, Papers, Aufkleber und 7 oder 8 Gratissamen, wirkliche Topseeds - der Wahnsinn. Ist zu empfehlen, habe zwar das 1.Mal direkt bestellt, aber hatte bereits Seeds von denen. Keimen alle schnell und wachsen gut.
Nur zufrieden gibt nichts zu meckern
Sehr schnelle LIeferung! ALle Samen haben gekeimt. Sehr zufrieden - werde wieder dort bestellen.
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