Revisión del banco de semillas Canna Collective

Canna Collective
Pago por Efectivo
Ubicado en GB

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Valoracion del usuario

La calidad del producto 0
Velocidad de la entrega 0
Servicio al Cliente 0
Impresion General 0 En una escala entre 0 y 10 puntos, basado en 3 opiniones de usuarios.

Información del buscador de semillas

Canna Collective is listed as "gray" at the SeedFinder. This means que no tiene mucho informacion acerca de este banco de semillas - que debe tener el objetivo de la facilidad de revisiones o probar por si mismo a su propio riesgo.


invitadojunio 2017

Cannacollective is a rip off site, some people got some seeds in the beginning, but then he just takes money and fobs you off with bullshit.. If he even replies

We have his home family address and will be visiting them for a refund

contact me by email: [email protected] or skype : mrdjk5

Just heard he also ripped off Neptune for 20k...speak to them if you need any confirmation..

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invitadooctubre 2016

Servicio al Cliente 0

Ordered up some OG Raskal pips, nothing showed up, phoned the shop address, fobbed off by polite guy. This continued for about 2 warned..untrustworthy!!!

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invitadomarzo 2016

Velocidad de la entrega 0
Servicio al Cliente 0

I ordered seeds 2 months ago. Sent cash. He has replied to 1 of my 8 emails and never followed up on it. The Canna Collective forum is dead and not supported any more. It is full of complaints like mine here. DO NOT SEND THIS PERSON YOUR MONEY. I have ordered and received seeds from 20+ seed companies this year (via cash, money order, and credit card) and this is the only one that did not send seeds. I have heard that they used to be a functional company, but this is no longer the case. CANNA COLLECTIVE IS NOT A LEGITIMATE SEED COMPANY.

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