Revisión del banco de semillas Reggae Seeds

Reggae Seeds
Pago por Transferencia bancaria, Contra reembolso
Ubicado en ES

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Valoracion del usuario

La calidad del producto 0
Velocidad de la entrega 0
Servicio al Cliente 0
Impresion General 0 En una escala entre 0 y 10 puntos, basado en 1 opiniones de usuarios.

Información del buscador de semillas

Reggae Seeds is listed as "gray" at the SeedFinder. This means que no tiene mucho informacion acerca de este banco de semillas - que debe tener el objetivo de la facilidad de revisiones o probar por si mismo a su propio riesgo.


invitadoabril 2023

This site seemed legit and did research on breeder and all seemed good. Emailed support with a couple questions and they replied fast so all seemed good. Ordered seeds and they claimed to ship the order to my address provided. Tracked the package and it ended in a status of at local post office for pickup. Went to local post office and they had nothing. Emailed support multiple times over two weeks and no replies ever. Not sure if this is scammer site that is pretending to be breeder or the breeder themselves are a scammer. Glad I always order small first before dropping lots of money with them. Definitely do not recommend this site.

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