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Mallorca Seeds is listed as "gray" at the SeedFinder. This means que no tiene mucho informacion acerca de este banco de semillas - que debe tener el objetivo de la facilidad de revisiones o probar por si mismo a su propio riesgo. Esta empresa es muestra como un criador en SeedFinder...
I have been ordered and payed at 8.3.23 for seeds. 34,90 Euro. I had never become the seeds and no answer of any questions.. Its shit. I drop my money in the dust 🤮
A local Seedbank here in Mallorca, they have quite a nice list of genetics, some newer and some older genetics and phenos. Recently they have been getting some pretty nice autos on their list. I recently grew a few of their auto strains and also a couple of fems. So far not a single seed that didn't pop, and out of 15 plants, only one I'm not too happy with on growth/yield but that might have been due to a lack of lighting. All in all a pretty reliable seedbank.
Hiciste experiencias buenas o malas con una tienda recientemente? Fuiste engañado o estafado? Tienes semillas falsas? O un monton de bonificaciones en fresco, buen servicio y / o una entrega rapida? Le gustaria (o no quiere) que otros clientes tambien puedan tener la misma experiencia? Por favor, alerta tus experiencias a la SeedCop ahora - se hace en un minuto y va a ayudar mucho!