Revisión del banco de semillas
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Valoracion del usuario

La calidad del producto 0
Velocidad de la entrega 0
Servicio al Cliente 0
Impresion General 0 En una escala entre 0 y 10 puntos, basado en 1 opiniones de usuarios.

Información del buscador de semillas is listed as "gray" at the SeedFinder. This means que no tiene mucho informacion acerca de este banco de semillas - que debe tener el objetivo de la facilidad de revisiones o probar por si mismo a su propio riesgo.


invitadomarzo 2023

Velocidad de la entrega 0
Servicio al Cliente 0

The short story is that this site or ‘distributor’ is a total scam. They will take your $. They will not respond to any emails you send them. And they will send you nothing.

The website is set up to appear very professional. Their angle is the claim that they are the new/current sole source distributor of Reservoir Seeds. I was skeptical and unfamiliar with them so I only ordered one strain. The transaction appeared to go smoothly. Like many of the NL distributors you can pay via check, money order, etc. Direct pay via CC is not available. They also allow for Cashapp /Venmo which was the option I chose. I even received a confirmation email for my order- which was the last I ever heard from them.

Buyer beware! Don’t make the same mistake I did.

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