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DrGreen is listed as "gray" at the SeedFinder. This means que no tiene mucho informacion acerca de este banco de semillas - que debe tener el objetivo de la facilidad de revisiones o probar por si mismo a su propio riesgo.
I bought small plants from this shop as well as seeds. Right away from their counter, in person. The people are honest and will give you helpful advice to your questions. The small plants: + healthy + both grew and bloomed - one of them had male+female structures (had to cut it down early) The seeds: Green House Seed Co. + fast growing (needs early support to not bend to the ground) + good result - only 2/3 seeds really sprout and grow, some stall out
Hiciste experiencias buenas o malas con una tienda recientemente? Fuiste engañado o estafado? Tienes semillas falsas? O un monton de bonificaciones en fresco, buen servicio y / o una entrega rapida? Le gustaria (o no quiere) que otros clientes tambien puedan tener la misma experiencia? Por favor, alerta tus experiencias a la SeedCop ahora - se hace en un minuto y va a ayudar mucho!