Revisión del banco de semillas 207 Genetics

207 Genetics
Pago por Tarjeta de credito
Ubicado en US

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Valoracion del usuario

La calidad del producto 10
Velocidad de la entrega 10
Servicio al Cliente 10
Impresion General 10 En una escala entre 0 y 10 puntos, basado en 3 opiniones de usuarios.

Información del buscador de semillas

207 Genetics is listed as "gray" at the SeedFinder. This means que no tiene mucho informacion acerca de este banco de semillas - que debe tener el objetivo de la facilidad de revisiones o probar por si mismo a su propio riesgo. Esta empresa es muestra como un criador en SeedFinder...


invitadoenero 2023

La calidad del producto 10
Velocidad de la entrega 10
Servicio al Cliente 10

Can’t say enough good things about them. Good prices. Fast shipping. Quality products. Freebies. They are now my go-to.

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invitadomarzo 2021

La calidad del producto 10
Velocidad de la entrega 10
Servicio al Cliente 10

Very happy with purchase. Freebies with every order I've made from 207. The seeds resulted in great terp filled flower that was colorful & pungent. The shipping was super quick. Good selection of other breeders too.

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invitadoenero 2020

La calidad del producto 10
Velocidad de la entrega 10
Servicio al Cliente 10

Good seedbank with lots of different breeders, including their own. Mostly Feminized. Very quick shipping within the US. Included free extra seeds every time. Their prices are very reasonable, and I was more than happy with results.

Every time I order, there’s even more freebies. Any issues were resolved in minutes.

Ordered some Feminized 207Genetics seeds. All of them were extraordinarily hearty plants. Seemingly bred for outdoor but grew them inside with great results. Potency, strong terpenes, and hefty yield. Quality flower. These plants were ultra-resilient. Strong vegetation. With large, resinous & colorful buds. Everyone that has smoked it was very pleased.

Grew three 207 Genetics strains & they all did well. Outperformed the other breeders which cost more. 207 Genetics dealt with environmental stresses in stride. Never any issues those plants.

Overall very happy with my purchase. Can’t wait to try more of their strains.

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