Mandala Seeds

Aquí podrás encontrar toda la información sobre el criador de cannabis Mandala Seeds. Hemos recopilado datos sobre 31 cepas de cannabis criadas por Mandala Seeds (21 de estas cepas obtuvieron opiniones de los usuarios de SeedFinder, con una calificación promedio de 7.51 sobre 10.). Haga clic en las cepas para encontrar más información, imágenes, reseñas, comparaciones y fuentes de una variedad, y/o consulte la información del criador aquí en la página para obtener más información sobre Mandala Seeds.

cepas de Mandala Seeds

Nombre de la cepa Cultivador Época de floración Herencia de cepas Feminized
8 Miles High Mandala Seeds 63 indica / sativa Not feminised
Beyond the Brain Mandala Seeds 70 mostly sativa Not feminised
California Dream Mandala Seeds 65 indica / sativa Only female
Chill-OM Mandala Seeds 69 indica / sativa Not feminised
Far Out Mandala Seeds 75 mostly sativa Only female
Fast N' Glorious Mandala Seeds 60 mostly sativa Not feminised
Flashberry Mandala Seeds 59 indica / sativa Not feminised
Fruitylicious Mandala Seeds 63 mostly indica Only female
Ganesh Mandala Seeds 60 indica / sativa Not feminised
Ganesh Berry Mandala Seeds 63 indica / sativa Not feminised
Hashberry Mandala Seeds 63 mostly indica Not feminised
Hubble Bubble Mandala Seeds 64 mostly indica Only female
Kalichakra Mandala Seeds 73 sativa Not feminised
Krystalica Mandala Seeds 69 mostly sativa Not feminised
Lazy Hippie Mandala Seeds 70 indica / sativa Not feminised
Mandala #1 Mandala Seeds 58 indica / sativa Not feminised
Mango Zamal Mandala Seeds 100 sativa Not feminised
Orisha Mandala Seeds 70 sativa Not feminised
Orisha XL Mandala Seeds - sativa Not feminised
Point of No Return Mandala Seeds 69 indica / sativa Not feminised
Purple Mandala Mandala Seeds 61 indica / sativa Not feminised
Purple Paro Valley Mandala Seeds - mostly sativa Only female
Rishi Kush Mandala Seeds 67 indica / sativa Not feminised
Sadhu Mandala Seeds 63 indica / sativa Not feminised
Safari Mix Mandala Seeds 69 indica / sativa Not feminised
Satori Mandala Seeds 68 indica / sativa Not feminised
Speed Queen Mandala Seeds 55 mostly indica Not feminised
Superlicious Sativa Mandala Seeds 75 mostly sativa Normal or female
White Bhutanese Mandala Seeds - mostly sativa Only female
White Magic Mandala Seeds - indica / sativa Only female
White Satin Mandala Seeds 65 indica / sativa Not feminised

Más información sobre este criador

Mandala Seeds's image

In order to offer friends of marijuana all around the globe a trustworthy source for handpicked cannabis seeds, our varieties fulfill strict criteria with regards to the quality of their development during the growth and flowering stages. In all our strains you will enjoy the benefits of the inherent land race genetics that flow into the breeding line. From the early 80's to mid 90's we traveled throughout the Indian subcontinent for several years and visited many other exotic locations famous for ganja. During these adventurous travels we were fortunate to be able to collect a stock of seeds from land race strains, some of which are now almost extinct in their original locations.

We also use the benefits of so called 'hybridisation'. This means that two, preferably very distinct, cannabis strains are crossed with each other to produce a new, unique variety. This new genetic combination produces particularly powerful, high quality plants in the first generation - also known as the F1 generation. To ensure the success of the F1 generation, both parent strains undergo a rigorous selection for desired characteristics, such as their psychoactivity or flowering power. This stage can take several years to complete. From the best plants of each strain one parent plant is then chosen to make a cross and combine the special characteristics of both strains.

The benefits of an F1 generation, that has been produced in this manner, are enhanced vegetative and flowering growth, which in turn promotes easy cultivation and allows for bumper crops. The plants grow faster und more vigorously, they possess better resistance against pests, adapt to different cultivation methods and develop, under the right circumstances, impressive masses of flowering buds. The cannabis cultivator saves a lot of time and money and can concentrate on the pleasant, daily gardening tasks instead of battling with all kinds of problems and plant symptoms, that arise from cannabis strains weakened from inbreeding (continuously crossing plants within the same strain).

What cannot be prevented in an F1 generation are variable growth patterns among individual plants. It is possible that flowering time, plant height, and yield vary among the plants. Generally, this is a situation already familiar to many cultivators, since most cannabis strains are not 100% stabilised (ie. plants show exactly the same traits). There are, more or less, differences in appearance and the psychoactive effect between individual plants in a large number of cannabis varieties. We believe the average friend of marijuana places more emphasis on having plants with a reliable performance in vigour and potency, than having them all reach an exactly specified height or mature like clockwork. That said, though, we enhance or fine tune the homogenity of the strains as much as possible, without compromising on their vigour, or on the other important characteristics that Mandala growers have come to cherish in our strains. With each fresh seed stock the newest generation of a strain is introduced.

The cannabis varieties of Mandala Seeds are bred for particular traits that we find necessary are important in good marijuana to enable easy, successful cultivation and bring the psychoactive effect to it's full potential. It is our objective to minimize unwanted genetic weaknesses such as susceptibility to mold, or the appearance of hermaphrodites (plants with both male and female flowers), as much as possible.

Cannabis is a plant species that reacts to environmental stress factors and tends to produce male flowers at the end of it's life cycle in sinsemilla cultivation. Some of the world's most famous cannabis land races (such as Thai grass) are hermaphroditic. Many modern marijuana varieties are already mildly, or even extremely, hermaphroditic and overreact to their environment.

Since we have to assume that the plants are cultivated under different grow circumstances, it is important to us that the female plants do not unnecessarily endanger a sinsemilla garden with male pollen. Our strains are being continuously improved on to achieve highest standards in this regard and we take great care in the selection of the genetics to achieve this goal.

We wish all gardeners out there great harvests!

