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Steckbrief für White Strawberry Skunk (von Strain Hunters Seed Bank)
Dieses Pflanzen-Profil wurde von 2 Einzelprofilen erstellt, besonderer Dank geht an: ikker Und emeraldo
Informationen zum Wachstum der Pflanzen:
Erntezeit Outdoor
Middle von September in CmSh3 Klimazonen auf der Nordhalbkugel.
Begin von Oktober in BxlSa2 Klimazonen auf der Nordhalbkugel.
- Wuchsverhalten
Weihnachtsbaumartig, Gestreckt Und Kräftig
- Seitentriebe
leicht überdurchschnittliche Stärke
- Die Pflanzen dieser Sorte...
...sollten in der Blüte gestützt werden (Netze, JoJos, Stöcke).
...reagieren gut auf das Beschneiden des Haupttriebes.
...benötigen nicht viel Pflege.
...benötigen nicht viel Dünger.
...sind nicht anfällig für Schimmel.
...sind tolerant bei größeren Temperaturschwankungen.
...haben keine Probleme mit niedrigen Temperaturen.
...haben keine Probleme mit hohen Temperaturen.
...wachsen eher wie eine Indica.
...benötigen viel Raum nach oben.
...bilden viele, dicke Buds an den Seitentrieben.
Ernte, Ertrag, Geschmack, Aroma, Stärke und Wirksamkeit
- Ernte-Menge
Der Ertrag dieser Sorte beträgt sehr hoch
- Blüten/Blätter
Das Verhältnis von Knospen zu Blättern beträgt super
- Blütenstruktur
Die getrockneten Knospen sind eher hart und kompakt
- Stärke / Wirkungsdauer
Das Unkraut ist stark und langlebig
- Toleranz beim Rauchen
etwas überdurchschnittliche Toleranzerziehung
Geruch / Aroma
White Strawberry Skunk (Strain Hunters Seed Bank) (Outdoor) ist alles in allem extrem gut und sehr empfehlenswert
(Im Durchschnitt 9 Punkte auf einer Skala zwischen 0 und 10!)
Weitere Informationen
emeraldo sagt
GHS (aka Strain Hunters) customer service told me that "White Strawberry Skunk" seeds are from a special indica-leaning clone of Swiss Erdbeer. "Erdbeer" is of course German for strawberry. And the fruity aroma is remarkable, a very berry good and wonderful strawberry/fruity nose here. As for the name, "White Strawberry Skunk" sounds nice but it does not describe the plant. "White" and "skunk" might make sense only if El Nino (or other cross of white widow and skunk) were in the mix. But that is not the case.
GHS repeatedly stated WSS was never crossed with GHS El Nino (or any other strain). So while the diagram here on seedfinders indicates WSS is a cross of Erdbeer with GHS' El Nino, GHS states that is not so. GHS: No "white" widow and no "skunk" here. So what is going on here? Who posted that false genealogical diagram? Maybe seedfinders should revise the diagram? Or maybe GHS/SH should re-name the strain, since giving a name that sounds like "skunk" and "white" is misleading. Would "Strawberry Afghani" be correct? Or maybe just... Erdbeer? Earthberry?
The issue of true heritage aside, this strain of Erdbeer is a very unusual plant in just about every way: growth, aroma, effect. Despite topping, "White Strawberry Skunk" grew vigorously into an 8-foot tall, robust strong plant with long internodes and even canopy. She was easy to grow and produced an enormous amount of bud. Harvested bud has an absolutely unbelievably fruity aroma. Taste is earthy and, guess what... berry-fruity! The effect of smoking is at first mentally activating, and after an hour so a deep relaxation sets in. Great to use before sleep. The first time I smoked this strain of Erdbeer, I had waves of psychedelic cerebral and body sensations hitting me in 5-minute intervals for the first half hour. This was more than exhilarating.
ikker sagt
I can only comment on 1 plant. I had a freak pheno (70-80% procent dismorphic leaves). That being said, this was the only negative experience i had with this plant. The strange leaves had small bumps over the whole of the leaf and they tended to curl at the ends. But the plant didn't seem to be bothered and grew pretty normal. The leaves also had a nice dark green color. I didn't expect much of a yield because of the pheno but was pleasantly surprised when it yielded quite a high quantity of bud. The buds are nice and dense with a lovely berry/ orange scent and a hint of soda. The taste is very berry and it's the fruitiest strain i've tasted to date.
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