An image of Polm Gold Outdoor
An image of Polm Gold Outdoor
An image of Polm Gold Outdoor
An image of Polm Gold Outdoor
An image of Polm Gold Outdoor
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Polm Gold Outdoor

gezüchtet von Spliff Seeds

Hier gibt es alle Infos zu Polm Gold Outdoor von Spliff Seeds. Wenn Du nach Informationen zu Polm Gold Outdoor von Spliff Seeds suchst, schaue Dir unsere an: Grundlegende Informationen, Galerie, Rau(s)ch-Bericht, Cannabis-Cups, Steckbriefe, Sorten-Vergleich, Abstammung / Genealogie, Hybriden / Kreuzungen, Rezensionen der Benutzer, Threads, Informiere Dich hier auf dieser Seite über diese Cannabissorte und folge den Links, um noch mehr Informationen zu erhalten. Wenn du selber persönliche Erfahrungen mit dem Anbau oder Konsum dieser Cannabissorte hast - bitte benutze doch unsere Links hochladen um diese auch Anderen zugänglich zu machen!

Grundlegende Informationen

Polm Gold Outdoor is an sativadominiert from Spliff Seeds und kann outdoor angebaut werden Spliff Seeds ist Polm Gold Outdoor ist nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Spliff Seeds Beschreibung

We used genetic material brought from the Chefchaouen region (Sativa dominant clones) and crossbred her with a Viking and Early Pearl to improve yield. The resulting hybrid we stabilized during many generations of breeding and selection to suit her to the cold and damp Dutch climate. A climate where spring and summer are often plagued by extreme weather conditions; torrential rains and extreme temperature changes. Polm Gold Outdoor should at least have 8 weeks as a vegetative period. Ideally place her outdoor around mid May. Polm Gold Outdoor will start to flower as early as mid to end of July. Harvest time is mid September. If you are impatient you can harvest her as early as the beginning of September. Although she will not have matured completely by then.

Not suitable for indoor growing because this Sativa dominant plant will take to the sky. Polm Gold Outdoor will even root on rock soil. She has the best root development of all our outdoor strains. These roots make for a plant of amazing production. She is a typical tall and wide structured Sativa, so you might want to keep her length at bay. When cloned and put under 24 hours of light you will see her start to flower within 2.5 weeks (autoflowering property).

Polm Gold is the most stable, uniform variety of all our outdoor varieties. Big buds are no exception to this strain and the colas are sugarcoated, abundant with resin. This sweet tasting, highly aromatic 90 percent African Sativa is in taste quite similar to our Blue Berry. She has a earthy, sweet and citrusy aroma and spicy, sweet and sour taste. Polm Gold offers exceptional yields and has a stoned high sensation. Possible THC level high.

90% Sativa.
Genotype: Chefchaouen Sativa x Viking x Early Pearl.
Earthy, sweet lime flavor and spicy, sweet and sour taste. Big yielding outdoor strain.
Early finisher; begin to mid September in Holland.
Stoned High.
Potential THC level: medium-high.

Flowering: mid-September
Plant height: 2.50-3.50m
Yield: 600 gr/plant
Growing difficulty: medium


Polm Gold Outdoor Sortensteckbriefe

Bekannte Phänotypen

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Überprüfung der Outdoor-Sorte

Der Ertrag dieser Sorte beträgt Großartig
Das Verhältnis von Knospen zu Blättern beträgt super
Die getrockneten Knospen sind hart und kompakt
Stärke / Wirkungsdauer
Das Unkraut ist sehr stark und langlebig
Toleranz beim Rauchen
langsame Toleranzerziehung
Erfahre mehr

Polm Gold Outdoor Rau(s)ch-Bericht

The seedfinder users tested Polm Gold Outdoor and uploaded information about the die-wirkung of Spliff Seeds' Polm Gold Outdoor. Here a short overview, click to the charts or links to get an exact description and find similar cannabis varieties!


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Geruch / Aroma

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Für diese Sorte sind keine Daten verfügbar.

Polm Gold Outdoor Vergleiche

How is Polm Gold Outdoor growing and effecting compared to other varieties? 0 seedfinder users uploaded direct comparisons with Spliff Seeds' Polm Gold Outdoor and compared this cannabis variety with 0 other strain(s).

Spliff Seeds Polm Gold Outdoor:

Polm Gold Outdoor Abstammung / Genealogie

Here you can browse the lineage tree up to level 5. To view a deeper level. Click on a parent to browse to that strain.
With the launch of the new Seedfinder website we are experimenting with the lineage view. This is still a Work In Progress and your feedback is really appreciated. If you have any feedback, please send us an email using the contact form in the site's navigation.

Polm Gold Outdoor Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Wir haben 1 direkte Nachkommen von Spliff Seeds in der Seedfinder-Datenbank gefunden, hier eine kurze Übersicht. Um alle Hybriden und ihre Nachkommen zu sehen, besuche bitte unsere Polm Gold Outdoor Genealogie-Seite und schau Dir alle direkten Nachkommen an, die Kreuzungen - und alle nachfolgenden Generationen.

Gold Rush Outdoor (Spliff Seeds) Polm Gold (Spliff Seeds) x Purple Power (Unknown or Legendary) x Afghan (Spliff Seeds)

Polm Gold Outdoor Benutzerkommentare

Alles in Allem haben wir 2 über Spliff Seeds zusammengetragen.

Unluckily not one of this comments is in de! To read them anyway, please click on one of the following links en (1), es (1),

Polm Gold Outdoor Forum Threads

Hier findest Du externe Links zu Polm Gold Outdoor verwandten Konversationen in den verschiedenen Diskussionsforen zum Anbau von Cannabis:

Spliff Seeds Polm Gold outdoor, twee stuks!
Lgs, Guerilla 2014 - WietForum

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Sorten Steckbriefe

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