Dieses Pflanzen-Profil wurde von 1 Einzelprofilen erstellt, besonderer Dank geht an: scoot555
Kay (Universally Seeded) (Indoor) ist alles in allem außergewöhnlich und durchaus empfehlenswert
(Im Durchschnitt 8 Punkte auf einer Skala zwischen 0 und 10!)HARVEST @ FLOWER DAY 65 - GROW DAY 99 - I think this strain is an 80 day flower. I could of let it go a couple more weeks, but I took the room down. I really like the purple color expression of this strain, and the very frosty cola's. I didn't top this plant as it was the first time growing this strain, and I wanted to see what it would do on it's own. With just barely four weeks of veg this plant shot up to 58" in height with some very nice size buds that were very frosty and well developed. This plant didn't produce a ton of leaves either which made trimming very easy, and bud quality that much better. The only negative mark I would give this strain is the long flower period. I prefer plants in the 63 to 65 day range. This is a 80 to 84 day strain. If and when I grow it again I'll top it and LST to see how the out come defers.
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