The Farm Genetics

Hier findest Du alle Informationen zum Cannabiszüchter The Farm Genetics. Wir haben Daten zu 8 Cannabis-Sorten gesammelt, gezüchtet von The Farm Genetics . Klicke auf die Sorten, um weitere Informationen, Bilder, Rezensionen, Vergleiche und Quellen für eine Sorte zu finden – und/oder sieh Dir die Züchterinformationen hier auf der Seite an, um mehr darüber zu erfahren The Farm Genetics.

The Farm Genetics-Sorten

Sortenname Breeder Blütezeit Herkunft Feminized
Bubbles Gift The Farm Genetics 53 indicadominiert regular
Golden Strawberry The Farm Genetics 60 sativadominiert regular
Holy Goat The Farm Genetics 67 sativadominiert regular
Humdinger OG The Farm Genetics 60 indicadominiert regular
Mountain Thunder The Farm Genetics 60 sativadominiert regular
Rise ‘n’ Shine The Farm Genetics 60 sativadominiert regular
Strawberry Blonde The Farm Genetics 63 sativadominiert regular
Strawberry Sandies The Farm Genetics 60 Indica/Sativa regular

Weitere Informationen zu diesem Züchter

The Farm Genetics's image

Produced by The Farm Genetics team, our marijuana seeds for sale are known commonly as F1 seeds—the first generation of a cross between two different strains of cannabis. Our seeds are bred from parent strains that show strong tendencies toward certain desirable traits, such as high THC or favorable aromatics.

The beauty of each cannabis seed pack you buy from The Farm is that you’ll get a variety of F1 seeds, each holding its own unique potential for developing different amounts of traits from the parents. Variation among the seed pack is a wonderful thing. With each seed pack, the home grower will find traits they like and connect with.

