The Bakery Genetics

Hier findest Du alle Informationen zum Cannabiszüchter The Bakery Genetics. Wir haben Daten zu 246 Cannabis-Sorten gesammelt, gezüchtet von The Bakery Genetics (3 dieser Hanfsorten wurden von SeedFindernutzern bewertet - mit einer durchschnittlichen Note von 8.89 von 10!). Klicke auf die Sorten, um weitere Informationen, Bilder, Rezensionen, Vergleiche und Quellen für eine Sorte zu finden – und/oder sieh Dir die Züchterinformationen hier auf der Seite an, um mehr darüber zu erfahren The Bakery Genetics.

The Bakery Genetics-Sorten

Sortenname Breeder Blütezeit Herkunft Feminized
90's Nightmare The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
ATLienz The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Adam & Eve The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Afro-Samurai The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Alien Poop The Bakery Genetics 67 Indica/Sativa regular
Alien Tang The Bakery Genetics 67 Indica/Sativa regular
All Gas No Brakez The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Amber Turd The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Angel Pussy The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Angelic Poop The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Annabelle The Bakery Genetics 70 indicadominiert regular
Apple Phaze The Bakery Genetics 56 Indica/Sativa regular
Apples N' Bananaz BX The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Aramaic The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Arthricia's Purge The Bakery Genetics 70 indicadominiert regular
Astronaut Pussy The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Azz Play The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
BBQ Brisket The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Baby Food The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Backyard BBQ The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Bad Donutz The Bakery Genetics 56 Indica/Sativa regular
Baked Calamari The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Baked Chupacabra The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
BakedGoodz The Bakery Genetics 65 sativadominiert regular
Baked Muffinz Bx The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Baked Pork Loin The Bakery Genetics 67 Indica/Sativa regular
Bakery Dollz CBD The Bakery Genetics 58 sativadominiert feminisiert
Beam Me Up Bitch The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
BellaDonna The Bakery Genetics 70 indicadominiert regular
Big Mouth The Bakery Genetics 70 Indica/Sativa regular
Bison Burger The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Black Cherry Fritter The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Black Cherry Limeade The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Black Cherry Pie Bx The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Blackberry Cobbler The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Blackberry Gelato The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Blazin'Skywalker The Bakery Genetics - indicadominiert regular
Blueberry Birthday Cake The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Blueberry Cheese Danish The Bakery Genetics - unbekannt regular
Blueberry Filled Donutz The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Blueberry Yum Yum The Bakery Genetics 56 Indica/Sativa regular
Boatz N' Hoez The Bakery Genetics 56 indicadominiert regular
Bomb Azz Wafflez The Bakery Genetics 67 unbekannt regular
Boxed Wine CBD The Bakery Genetics 60 Indica/Sativa regular
Brain Food The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Brontosaurus Burger The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Buck Fiden The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Butter & Syrup The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Candy Applez The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Candy Bowl V2 The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Carrie White The Bakery Genetics 70 sativadominiert regular
Cherry Dreamz The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Cherry Lime Pie Bx The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Chic FaLay The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Chimp Juice The Bakery Genetics 67 Indica/Sativa regular
Chloe Simone The Bakery Genetics 65 Indica/Sativa regular
Coffee Breath The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Cornucopia Utopia The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Cow Patty The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Crash Test Dummy The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Cup Cakez The Bakery Genetics 67 indicadominiert regular
Damnesia Haze The Bakery Genetics 63 sativadominiert regular
Dazed N' Confuzed The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Democratez The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Democratz V1 The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Diezel Cakez The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Divine Intervention The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Donkey Punch The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Donkey Shit The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Durban Cookiez The Bakery Genetics 70 sativadominiert regular
Eskimo Kissez The Bakery Genetics 67 indicadominiert regular
Fallen Angelz The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Flint Tropicz Bx The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Fo Shizzle The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Forbidden Fruit Bx2 The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Forbidden Fruit Pie The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Forbidden Pleasurez The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Freak In The Sheetz The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Frost Queen The Bakery Genetics 70 indicadominiert regular
Frozen Jelly Donutz The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Fruity Pebblez The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Fuk Yo Couch The Bakery Genetics 67 Indica/Sativa regular
Fur Burger The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
GGWhore The Bakery Genetics 67 indicadominiert regular
Geisha Girl The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Giraffe Pussy The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Girl Don't Drink The Bakery Genetics 70 indicadominiert regular
Girl Don't Play The Bakery Genetics - Indica Clone only
GloRilla The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Glookiez The Bakery Genetics - Indica/Sativa regular
God's Azz The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
God's Birthday Party The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
God's Chalice The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
God's Garden The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
God Stomper The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Gojira Monster The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Gorilla Butter Bx2 The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Gorilla Pez The Bakery Genetics 70 indicadominiert regular
Grand Theft Auto The Bakery Genetics - unbekannt regular
Grape Nutz The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Green Chile Cheeseburger The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Gummi Worms The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Happy Lil Moonbeamz The Bakery Genetics 70 Indica/Sativa regular
Hazey Punch The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Heaven On Earth The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Ho Lee Fuk The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Holy Communion The Bakery Genetics 56 indicadominiert regular
Hot Stuff The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Ikigai The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Izzy Cakez The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Jessica The Bakery Genetics 70 indicadominiert regular
Kamala’s Camel Toe The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Kiara The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Kim K. The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Land Of The Lost The Bakery Genetics 60 Indica/Sativa regular
Let's Go Brandon The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Life's Breath The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Lois Griffin The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
London Pop Rockz The Bakery Genetics 60 Indica/Sativa regular
M.A.C. Stomper Bx The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Mac Martian Pie The Bakery Genetics 67 Indica/Sativa regular
Madi Gras Marmalade The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Make America Grape Again The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Margarita Madness The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Marilyn Monroe The Bakery Genetics 56 Indica/Sativa regular
Married With Children The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Martian Fritterz The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Martian Milkshake V2 The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Martian Punchbowl The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
MelonHeadz MoonShine The Bakery Genetics 70 indicadominiert regular
Merple Syrup The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Midnight Cherry Bx The Bakery Genetics 70 sativadominiert regular
Milf The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Milfberry Shortcake The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Monkey Bunz The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Mr. Pink The Bakery Genetics - unbekannt Clone only
Mrs. Pancakez The Bakery Genetics 70 indicadominiert regular
Mrs. Voorhees The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Mulatto Gelato The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Nancy's Nightmare The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Nate's Meat Pie The Bakery Genetics 67 indicadominiert regular
Neytiri The Bakery Genetics 67 Indica/Sativa regular
Nezuko Kamado The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Nicki Minaj The Bakery Genetics 56 Indica/Sativa regular
Orang Pound Cake The Bakery Genetics 70 indicadominiert regular
Orange Bundt Cake The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Orgazm The Bakery Genetics 56 Indica/Sativa regular
Peanut Butter Breath Bx The Bakery Genetics 60 Indica/Sativa regular
Peanutbutter Haze The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Peanutbutter Pussy Breath The Bakery Genetics 70 Indica/Sativa regular
Peanutbutter Zombie The Bakery Genetics 70 indicadominiert regular
Pineapple Mimosa The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Pineapple Princess The Bakery Genetics 67 sativadominiert regular
Pink Cookiez The Bakery Genetics - unbekannt Clone only
Pink Frosted Donutz The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Pink Princess The Bakery Genetics 56 Indica/Sativa regular
Pink Purpz The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Pink Push Popz The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Pink Pussy The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Planetina The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Poisoned Applez The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Princess Slaya The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Pro Nounz The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Puppy's Breath The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Pussy Pussay The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Rabbit Punch The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Rainbow Sherbet Shake The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Razzberriez The Bakery Genetics 67 indicadominiert regular
Razzberry Jelly Donutz The Bakery Genetics 67 indicadominiert regular
Razzberry Pop Rockz The Bakery Genetics 63 sativadominiert regular
Razzberry Punch The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Razzberry Sundae The Bakery Genetics 67 indicadominiert regular
Razzberry Tartz The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Razzberry Zkittlez The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Red Grapez The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Red Hot Pussy Liquorz The Bakery Genetics 56 Indica/Sativa regular
Red Purpz Bx The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Republicanz The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Rick's Porthole Juice The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Ride Or Die Girl The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Rihanna The Bakery Genetics 56 Indica/Sativa regular
Roadkill Café The Bakery Genetics 56 Indica/Sativa regular
Roswell's Lemonade The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Route 66 Burger The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Rozie Perez The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Scary Terry The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Schwifty The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Shinobi Blood Lust The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Shit Show The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Shooting Starz The Bakery Genetics 63 sativadominiert regular
Simple Rick's Wafferz The Bakery Genetics 70 indicadominiert regular
Siren The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Skunk 8569 The Bakery Genetics - unbekannt regular
Smelly Pussy The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Sour Apple Gelato BX The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Sour Apple Soda Pop The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Sour Apple Sorbet The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Sour Apple Sucka The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Sour Applez The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Sour Fruit Punch The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Sour Puss The Bakery Genetics 70 sativadominiert regular
Sour Velvet Soda The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Space Cheese The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Spaceberry The Bakery Genetics 63 sativadominiert regular
Spaceberry Icecream #2 The Bakery Genetics 70 indicadominiert regular
Spoiled Rotten The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Sponge Cake The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Squid Billiez The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Squid Game The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Stairway To Heaven The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Star Dust The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Stool Sample The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Strawberry Chronic Cake The Bakery Genetics 70 indicadominiert regular
Strawberry Nezquik The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Strawberry Smigglez Bx The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Summer Smith The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Supa Star The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Super Sonicz The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Taco Burger V2 The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Taylor Swift The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Terpaneze The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
That Bitch Carole Baskin The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
The Last Suppa The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
The Phoenix The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Tiffany The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Tiger Poop The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Tiger Pussy The Bakery Genetics 63 unbekannt regular
Tijuana Donkey Show The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Tinklez The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Tropsiclez The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Truck Fump The Bakery Genetics 70 Indica/Sativa regular
Unicorn Meat Pie The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Unicorn Poop Bx The Bakery Genetics 70 unbekannt regular
Unicorn Porn The Bakery Genetics 67 unbekannt regular
Unicorn Pussy The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Unicorn Sliderz The Bakery Genetics 67 indicadominiert regular
Unity The Bakery Genetics 63 indicadominiert regular
Velvet Soda Bx The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa Clone only
Watermelon Suga The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Who's Your Daddy? The Bakery Genetics 67 Indica/Sativa regular
Whoville Bx The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Window Licka The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Yakuza Kush The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Zom Bae The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Zombie Pussy The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular
Zombiez The Bakery Genetics 63 Indica/Sativa regular

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This world is filled with too many mediocre strains , and way overpriced, it's time to change that #Growmiez #PopSeedsNotPills

