Imperial Seal Seeds

Hier findest Du alle Informationen zum Cannabiszüchter Imperial Seal Seeds. Wir haben Daten zu 4 Cannabis-Sorten gesammelt, gezüchtet von Imperial Seal Seeds . Klicke auf die Sorten, um weitere Informationen, Bilder, Rezensionen, Vergleiche und Quellen für eine Sorte zu finden – und/oder sieh Dir die Züchterinformationen hier auf der Seite an, um mehr darüber zu erfahren Imperial Seal Seeds.

Imperial Seal Seeds-Sorten

Sortenname Breeder Blütezeit Herkunft Feminized
Backyard Bananas x Kreamdog Imperial Seal Seeds 62 Indica/Sativa regular
Granita#5 x Kreamdog Imperial Seal Seeds 65 indicadominiert regular
Kreamdog Imperial Seal Seeds 67 indicadominiert regular
Scott’s OG x Kreamdog Imperial Seal Seeds 65 indicadominiert regular

Weitere Informationen zu diesem Züchter

Imperial Seal Seeds's image

A simple story and a wonderful adventure. Aficionados meet, share; an emulsion is created along with experiences, projects. Imperial Seal Seeds is composed of 2 friends enthralled by all that this plant has to offer and determined to make no compromise in their cultivation, breeding and extraction protocols. The Imperial Seal is like an AOC, our pledge (seal) of quality, our commitment; it is a responsibility that pushes us to continually search for the best methods that allows us to give the best of ourselves. Each Selection is made by us from seeds and not purchased cuts. All of our seeds are verified one by one by hand, having given them time to develop to full maturity.

