HashHeads Genes

Hier findest Du alle Informationen zum Cannabiszüchter HashHeads Genes. Wir haben Daten zu 4 Cannabis-Sorten gesammelt, gezüchtet von HashHeads Genes . Klicke auf die Sorten, um weitere Informationen, Bilder, Rezensionen, Vergleiche und Quellen für eine Sorte zu finden – und/oder sieh Dir die Züchterinformationen hier auf der Seite an, um mehr darüber zu erfahren HashHeads Genes.

HashHeads Genes-Sorten

Sortenname Breeder Blütezeit Herkunft Feminized
Ghozt Ryder HashHeads Genes 56 Indica regular
Ichigo 100 HashHeads Genes 62 Indica/Sativa regular
Marian Plum HashHeads Genes 54 Indica/Sativa regular
Ziwano HashHeads Genes 56 Indica/Sativa regular

Weitere Informationen zu diesem Züchter

HashHeads Genes's image

HashHeads Genes started in 2023 the second I popped my first pack of seeds I realized that I wanted to create something that I could enjoy more than what I’ve already had. It started out as just a few projects for myself and I soon began to realize that I was doing exactly what I planned as well as finding lots of things that stood out to me far more than expected, so I decided to try to start putting them out into the world and seeing how the public will except/appreciate what I’ve created within this space.

