Orange Sunshine

Orange Sunshine

an unknown / legendary cannabis strain

Here you can find all info about the unknown / legendary cannabis variety Orange Sunshine. If you are searching for information about the unknown / legendary Orange Sunshine, check out our Basic Infos, Lineage / Genealogy or Hybrids / Crossbreeds for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information - or list all Orange Sunshine Strains (3) to find a different version. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic Strain Info

Orange Sunshine is an indica/sativa variety from unknown origin and can be cultivated indoors and outdoors. .

What do we know about the unknown/legendary Orange Sunshine?

This even sativa-indica hybrid (sativa/indica ratio of 50:50) gets its name from the legendary strain of LSD made famous in the 1970s. Fittingly, this potent strain delivers a peppy, upbeat high with calming effects. Orange Sunshine descends from a California Orange hybrid and an unknown sativa with fruity characteristics. The high is a combination of cerebral and body buzz, with an immediate head rush followed by a deeply relaxing indica high. As its name suggests, it smells and tastes of oranges and other varieties of citrus. The high may be useful in treating anxiety and depression, but beyond that its potential uses are largely unexplored. Orange Sunshine is known to be relatively strong, but exact THC contents aren't publicly available. The same is true of CBD concentrations, though this strain isn't recommended for patients whose conditions respond to that cannabinoid. Information about negative effects is limited, though dry mouth and red eyes are probably most common. Given its California heritage, this strain is probably more common on the West Coast than elsewhere. But it's definitely not easy to find anywhere.

Orange Sunshine Hybrids & Crossbreeds

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User Reviews

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Medical Values

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