Sin City Seeds

WhiteNightmare (Sin City Seeds) :: StrainReview :: Indoor :: No.68321104790845538 by DankDetective

Plant-Profile about WhiteNightmare (by Sin City Seeds)

This Plant-Profile is a individual expression by , uploaded at the 11.01.2022.

Information about the growth of the plants:

Flowering Time Indoor
Between 52 an 60 days (Average: 56 days.)
Stretch after the initiation of flowering
±100 Percent
Initiation of flowering onto around 65 cm. - Final Height onto around 130 cm.
Side Branches
long as well as extremely strong and vigorous.
The plants of this Cannabis-Strain... not need much care.
...are not very tolerant to over- or under-fertilization.
...looks and grow more like a Sativa.
...are well suited for a ScroG (Screen of Green).
...are a good choice for beginners.

Harvest, Yield, Taste, Aroma, strength and effectiveness

Yield / Quantity
The crop of this strain is insane high and absolutely top yields.
Buds / Leaves
The ratio of buds to leaves is absolute peak.
Bud Structure
The dried buds are hard and compact.

General Impression

WhiteNightmare (Sin City Seeds)

is all together insane strain - absolutely recommendable
(On average 10 Points onto a scale between 0 and 10 !)

Additional Information

DankDetective says

One of the best Sativa hybrids around! This one is great for commercial growers and hobbyists alike. So dank and easy to grow (11.01.2022, 03:49)