SpartanLoud Sour IPA

SpartanLoud Sour IPA

breed by SpartanLoud

Here you can find all info about SpartanLoud Sour IPA from SpartanLoud. If you are searching for information about SpartanLoud Sour IPA from SpartanLoud, check out our Basic Infos or Lineage / Genealogy for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic / Breeders Info

SpartanLoud Sour IPA is an indica/sativa variety from and can be cultivated indoors (where the plants will need a flowering time of ±63 days) and outdoors. SpartanLouds SpartanLoud Sour IPA is a THC dominant variety and is/was never available as feminized seeds.

SpartanLouds SpartanLoud Sour IPA Description

SpartanLoud SpartanLoud Sour IPA NYC Diesel from Soma Seeds offers a wonderfully tart grapefruit pith flavor but lacks top-tier potency and is a long sativa finisher. She was paired to Dominion G (Capital G x Dominion Skunk). Dominion G is a super funky offering from Duke over at Dominion Seed Company and does two things to the cross - brings down the flowering time to approximately 70 days and ups the potency of the progeny with that added funk that Duke is known for in his lines.

The terpene profile and related effects are the star of the show with the Spartan Sour IPA line and comprised of the four dominant flavors:

1) Zesty Grapefruit Pith (nothing sweet or floral) - myrcene forward - 30%
2) Hops - just like an IPA smells - humulene 30%
3) Pine - Pinene 20%
4) Gasoline (specifically benzene-ish) 20%
5) Unquantifiable but slight yeasty smell (like sourdough bread) on the backend

Effects: Very potent, long-lasting hybrid effects with quick onset - makes the brain and lungs tingle with pleasure. It is quite loud and the volatile aromas will overtake the other cultivars in the room. The tangy/zesty grapefruit pith blends wonderfully with the pine/hops/gas and keeps you reaching for the same jar over and over again. I am very pleased and proud of this line.

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