Orange Haze

Orange Haze

breed by DutchFem

Here you can find all info about Orange Haze from DutchFem. If you are searching for information about Orange Haze from DutchFem, check out our Basic Infos or Lineage / Genealogy for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information - or list all Orange Haze Strains (6) to find a different version. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic / Breeders Info

Orange Haze is a mostly sativa variety from and can be cultivated indoors (where the plants will need a flowering time of ±60 days) and outdoors. DutchFems Orange Haze is a THC dominant variety and is/was only available as feminized seeds.

DutchFems Orange Haze Description

DutchFem Orange Haze The nickname orange is derived from its flavour, which resembles that of the citrus oranges fruits. History has it that a classic American originated haze was preserved since 1970’s. Efforts were done to preserve it for almost four decades. Then, it was later blended with potent mother orange bud leading to the new orange haze. The development went through a series of cross-breeding. Thus, it inherited some of its ancestors. Each of type involved gave it a trait making it one of the strongest Sativa loved by many.

Orange haze grows well in different environments. Whether you would like to plant this seedling indoors or outdoors, the marijuana seeds will thrive. On an outside setup, it grows to a maximum height of ten feet. On the other hand, in an indoor farming, the plant requires being controlled and kept shorter. You will need to use hydroponics in this kind of farming. Farming of the feminized cannabis seeds of orange haze is easy due to its unique strengths. For instance, it is highly resistant to fungus and pests.

The maturity speed of orange haze is a bit better than most other strains of Sativa. Within just nine weeks, the flowering is completed. For indoor farming, it has a high harvest rate as it can yield up to twenty-one ounces and a minimum of seventeen ounces per square metre. In case of outdoor farming, you will need to plan when you can plant. A well cultivated and a planted farm can produce a similar harvest as in an indoor setup. The minimum harvest per unit square, in this case, is twelve ounces. In general, each plant in an indoor setup can produce 500 g/m2 to 600 g/m2 while for the outdoor, it can potentially produce 350 g/m2 up to 600 g/m2.

There are many reasons why you need to try our Orange Haze cannabis seeds. The product is effective in reducing and eliminating stress to users. This is supported by its ability to make the consumers relax after taking them. In fact, it served as a mood-boosting. Additionally, it is associated with boosting the energy levels. The strain helps to eliminate things such as fatigue. Furthermore, the scent of haze alone is a pleasant release from the plant. The orange-like smell makes it smell sweet and freshens the environment. Compared to its relatives, the taste and aroma make it have an additional bonus on top of comparable benefits.

Cannabis Type: 80% Sativa 20% Indica
Genetic Background: Orange Dream x Amnesia Haze
Flowering Time: 8-9 Weeks
Average Height: 100-130cm
Taste: Sweet and Fruity
Effect: Extreme High
Yield indoor 600w: 500-550 gr/m2
THC: High
CBD: Medium

Orange Haze Lineage / Genealogy

Map of the Orange Haze Family Tree

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