Mr. Nice
Neville's Haze x Mango

Neville's Haze x Mango

breed by Mr Nice Seedbank

Here you can find all info about Neville's Haze x Mango from Mr Nice Seedbank. If you are searching for information about Neville's Haze x Mango from Mr Nice Seedbank, check out our Basic Infos, Lineage / Genealogy or Hybrids / Crossbreeds for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic / Breeders Info

Neville's Haze x Mango is a mostly sativa variety from and can be cultivated indoors (where the plants will need a flowering time of ±80 days) and outdoors. Mr. Nices Neville's Haze x Mango is a THC dominant variety and is/was never available as feminized seeds.

Mr. Nices Neville's Haze x Mango Description

Mr Nice Seedbank Neville's Haze x Mango The combination of these two plants awakens the appetite for even the most moderate user/grower of sativa based hybrids. The genetics making up this complex hybrid combine the two Haze males utilized by MNS. This seed is basically comprised of 12.5% skunk, 25% NL5, and 12.5% Haze A male, 50% Haze C male. The expected flowering time will vary considerably depending upon the chosen phenotype. Generally, it should be between 10-14 weeks with the possibility of slightly earlier if getting something towards the NL5 or Skunk side. Anything that goes beyond the 14 week marker in flowering is really not interesting as it becomes a difficult chore for a relatively low return. This plant will need to grow extensively, so it is essential to 12/12 (possibly even 10/14) light to night ratio, to force the onset of flowering. It is recommended to ensure the night time is very dark, as this will help force the plant to flower without compromise. It is very difficult to give an estimated yield here but one should be able to get an average of 450-500 grams per square meter. One might need to take the height of the growing area into consideration as this plant has the ability to grow for it. The aromas and taste of the finished product will be the most wonderful surprise for the growers and their hard work: it will be nothing less than superb. The effects will be cerebral and possibly a bit trippy so use the medicine well. This seed can be grown both indoors and outdoors but will need space and it will be hard to imagine it as a sea of green plant due to its sativa roots. It has the potential for a holy grail... can you find it?

Family of breed: 12.5% Skunk, 25% NL5, 12.5% Haze A male, 50% Haze C male
Breeder: Nevil and Shantibaba's
Preferred medium: Bio and Hydro, Indoors and outdoors/greenhouse
Expected yield: Indoors expect 450-500 grams if selected well, and for outdoors and g/h growers it will be a large plant that can produce a huge yield if trained like a creeping plant.
Flowering period: The expected flowering time for an indoor grow will be between 10-14 weeks and will depend upon the phenotype you choose to work with.. The north hemisphere will be difficult for this plant only souther Europe like Italy Spain Portugal would allow this pl
Recommendations: For the experienced growers to the most advanced cultivators.
Special Notes: It needs a good eye in selecting a good producer but undoubtedly full flavored medicine. Not for those who are inattentive gardeners... it can be challenging!

Neville's Haze x Mango Lineage / Genealogy

Map of the Neville's Haze x Mango Family Tree

Click to show all parents of Neville's Haze x Mango in our dynamic family tree map.

Neville's Haze x Mango Hybrids & Crossbreeds

Dutchie Jones
Neville's Haze x Mango x G13 Haze Soma
El Dorado
Neville's Haze x Mango x Cherry West Bx

Map of the Neville's Haze x Mango Descendants

If you are with a big screen and not browsing with your mobile, check out our dynamic family tree map with all known hybrids of Neville's Haze x Mango! (but this maybe will need some time to load all the data!)

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