Moby XL

Moby XL

breed by Zativo

Here you can find all info about Moby XL from Zativo. If you are searching for information about Moby XL from Zativo, check out our Basic Infos or Lineage / Genealogy for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information - or list all Moby Strains (±34) to find a different version. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic / Breeders Info

Moby XL is a mostly sativa variety from and can be cultivated indoors (where the plants will need a flowering time of ±67 days) and outdoors. Zativos Moby XL is a THC dominant variety and is/was only available as feminized seeds.

Zativos Moby XL Description

Zativo Moby XL Our Moby XL is a whopper of a cannabis plant. She produces some serious yields of very tasty and potent bud. Being a combination of Haze and White Widow, Moby XL has a genetic backing of kings. Taking 9-10 weeks to flower, and producing up to 600g/m², this is not a strain to pass up on.

Moby XL is a strain we are proud of. Inspired by the legendary Moby Dick, we have poured our souls into producing our own take on this legendary strain.

The original Moby Dick is a hybrid originating from Spain. The breeders who discovered it were taken aback by the brutal sativa power and appearance of this monolithic strain. They were so impressed by the pure potency, grow quality and size of the plant that they named it after the notorious white whale. Moby XL retains all of this sheer power and adds our own twist in genetics to further enhance the grow quality and smoking experience.

Moby XL is a smooth smoking experience, the succulent tastes and aromas leave a sweet, woody flavored imprint on your senses as it lulls you into its high. And what a high it is. This leviathan induces an intense psychoactive experience, it will take you mind into outer-space and leave you looking back down on the world, contemplating its meaning. All the while its subtle indica heritage will ease the tension out of your body back down on earth with its mild body stone. It is the perfect choice for anyone looking for a real sativa experience, the potency of Moby XL will have you uplifted, inspired and energized.

Novice smokers be warned – this is one of the most powerful sativa experiences around, so take it easy.

In terms of medical use, those suffering from stress, anxiety, loss of appetite and depression will benefit the most.

Moby XL did not get its name just for its powerful high. This is a gargantuan plant. When grown indoors it will reach heights of roughly 2m, when grown outdoors you can expect it to reach all the way up to 3m. As you would expect from such a giant beast, it can get pretty hungry, it will require a lot of light and nutrients to keep it in tip-top condition. This hybrid grows with the typical appearance and stature that you would expect of a pure sativa – with long spindly branches that reach up towards the light, covered in full, beautiful buds.

When grown indoors you can expect a flowering time of around 60-70 days and a harvest of roughly 600g/m². When grow outdoors Moby XL is usually ready for harvest towards the end of October. If you are lucky enough to live in a Mediterranean climate than each plant could yield as much as 1500g in ideal conditions!

Moby XL is something we are proud of here at Zativo. It is an absolute powerhouse strain that will please pretty much every type of cultivator out there. Whether you are novice, veteran, commercial or connoisseur grower, Moby XL has the sativa experience you have been looking for, with its insanely high THC content of 21%.

Genetics: 65% sativa - 35% indica
Flowering period: 9-10 weeks
THC%: 19%
CBD%: Medium
Yield (indoor): 600g/m²
Height (indoor): 80-140cm
Yield (outdoor): High
Height (outdoor): 2-3m
Harvest time (outdoor): End of October

Moby XL Lineage / Genealogy

Map of the Moby XL Family Tree

Click to show all parents of Moby XL in our dynamic family tree map.

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