Maruf Kandahar

Maruf Kandahar

breed by Indian Landrace Exchange

Here you can find all info about Maruf Kandahar from Indian Landrace Exchange. If you are searching for information about Maruf Kandahar from Indian Landrace Exchange, check out our Basic Infos or Lineage / Genealogy for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic / Breeders Info

Maruf Kandahar is an indica variety from and can be cultivated indoors (where the plants will need a flowering time of ±66 days), outdoors and in the greenhouse. I.L.E.s Maruf Kandahar is a THC dominant variety and is/was never available as feminized seeds.

I.L.E.s Maruf Kandahar Description

Indian Landrace Exchange Maruf Kandahar Maruf, Kandahar (Farm #2). Latitude: 31 39’N 65 11’E. Altitude: 1000-1200 meters.

As of August, the domesticated cannabis crops at Maruf, Kandhar had already started to transition into the flowering phase, a few early flowering males could be seen peeking from in between the crops while the females were only beginning to stretch out the internodes and new shoots to accommodate the buds.

Some of the characteristics changes observed in the Maruf (Kandahar) populations as they transition out of the vegetative state includes the development of red colour on the petioles and stems (in a considerable chunk of the population) with the onset of the flowering.

The plants grow in an calcareous alluvial like mix of clay and sand and silt which consists of a higher percentage of sand compared to the alluvial mix commonly observed in the north western Himalayan (India/Nepal) foothills.

The farmer (Haji Agha Khan) who owns this particular farm documented here, employs a variety of selection criterion to narrow down a few different types of plants that they believe makes for the best Hashish. Their selection process is quite opposite to what most farmers do, since they make their selections in terms of males which will be left in the field to make the seeds with any female at random, as they very meticulously uproot all the nonselections before the females begin to produce viable stigma to catch the pollen.

As per the farmer who owns this farm, he brought these seeds from Andrabi District (North East Afghanistan) 15 years ago and have been since propagating and selecting specifically for plants that grow very tall and robust reaching as high as 12-14 ft. with certain plants also expressing purple, black leaves. The farm is enclosed by an apple orchard from all sides and receives organic inputs to fertilize the crops. The farmer does his selections from the male side, by leaving approximately 5 males for every 100 females present in the field for pollination. The males are selected primarily in terms of robustness and vigour but a colourful and large cluster also increases the likelihood of that male being selected for the pollination, if we look at it from the farmer’s point of view.

The unprecedented cold wave that ran through the central Asian region caused widespread damages to various crops due to a sudden drop in the temperature at least 30 days ahead of the usual time, tons of cannabis crops got decimated overnight in these regions as they froze over and died instantly from a cold shock ambush by the nature.

The cannabis populations in the fields of the farmer Haji Agha proved out to be much more resilient in comparison to many other we witnessed on our journey, but also being located at a lower altitude in comparison to some of the other regions like Mapan in Zabul province helped tremendously in mitigating a severe and unprecedented cold wave.

As mentioned by the farmer during August (first half of the tour), all of his main crop had attained a height of over 12 ft. on avg. and a very good proportion of his crop, also expressed deep purple hues that appear almost black, several of these extraordinary specimens survived the cold wave with little to no damage. Most of the plants featured high yields and girthy colas that primarily reeked of musky, earthy phenol like smells with a lot of subtle notes varying from one plant to the another such as floral sweetness or nutty/roasted almond or pistachios like smell.

ILE team selected a Black, Green and a Red Kandahar phenotype that in our opinion represented the truest and the rawest form of this supreme landrace variety.

After going through a number of different plants we selected a few robust and meaningful individuals from a pretty large sample size as this in Maruf, which provides access to an exclusive gene pool, where smells tend to revolve around an offensive-foul olfactory tangent.


The Green selection from Maruf in Kandahar, features a lime green plant with some subtle fade on the leaves. The Green selection has a perfect bud structure, which is conical in shape with a lucrative bract to leaf ratio from commercial stand, the buds are covered in a dense layer of dry to semi-sticky textured resin. Although a beautiful looking plant with XL yields, it did take some damage on the leaves during the cold snap but saving the real prize i.e. a deeply offensive smelling and equally potent resin.

The plant structure was quite similar to most other plants within the population which is an upright and robust structure with a girthy and elongated stalk but with tad bit of less side branching and overall height. The smells once again take an acrid tangent and are mainly built upon subtle layers of lemon/citrus, spices and sharp phenol based smells that leans more towards toluene (which constitutes 15% of the smell in petrol) hence smells a lot like petrol (fuel).


Kandahar Black Selection from Maruf (Kandahar) and of the fields of Haji Agha. This is perhaps one of the best specimens, along with all of the other crown jewels catalogued during this project from various provinces. Our Black selection features a completely black embodiment from the leaves to the very flowers. It also expresses a very desirable bract to leaf ratio with big yields of dense resin coated buds that can take a beating in the harsh outdoors of Southern Afghanistan.

The aromas on this plant are built around the common elements of smell found in this population which are on a completely non-sweet tangent and represents smells which are basically a complex mix of earthy, spicy, acrid and sharp phenol-based smells. The beautifully etched buds on a robust structure, which are both dense and covered in copious resin at the same time..

There were several other completely Black individuals with exceptional qualities as such but none more desirable than this one right here in all its glory, encompassing all of the best features in a single plant.


The Red selection from Maruf, Kandahar expresses exceptional resin production accompanied by very dense and chunky buds, which primarily reek of dead animal (Rotting protein) smell. The offensive smells such as ones emanating from rotting flesh could be smelled profusely on the Red selection, while also accompanied with hints of phenol and eastern spice pallet.

Kandahar Red Selection, features a robust and upright structure, with good side branching, complemented with beautiful flush hues of reds on the leaves with a lime green stem. The buds are tight/dense and chunky loaded with offensive smelling resin which is absolutely unique on it’s own even though most of the plants in this population do carry smells which aren’t sweet but to experience a smell so offensive foul on a cannabis plant was extremely rare even amongst a gene pool full of foul smelling plants.

Maruf Kandahar Lineage / Genealogy

Map of the Maruf Kandahar Family Tree

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