Jack Herer Autoflowering

Jack Herer Autoflowering

breed by DutchFem

Here you can find all info about Jack Herer Autoflowering from DutchFem. If you are searching for information about Jack Herer Autoflowering from DutchFem, check out our Basic Infos or Lineage / Genealogy for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information - or list all Jack Herer Autoflowering Strains (±3) or even all Jack Herer Strains (62) to find a different version. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic / Breeders Info

Jack Herer Autoflowering is an automatic flowering ruderalis/indica/sativa variety from and can be cultivated indoors and outdoors where the female, autoflowering plants need ±67 days from the seedling to the harvest. DutchFems Jack Herer Autoflowering is a THC dominant variety and is/was only available as feminized seeds.

DutchFems Jack Herer Autoflowering Description

DutchFem Jack Herer Autoflowering In the 1990s developed Jack Herer his famous strain by crossing a Haze hybrid with Shiva Skunk and Northern Lights#5 in the hope of producing seeds from which plants could be produced with both sativa and indica effects. It soon became recognized as suitable for medical grade cannabis due to its high quality. Several varieties of Jack Herer were developed resulting in slightly different characteristics. In the last years there has been a rising demand for the beloved old school Jack herer with the ease of growing with feminized cannabis seeds. The demand for these characteristics has resulted in what are known as feminized autoflower varieties of Jack Herer. Jack Herer Automatic has been the crossing of Jack Herer genes with Ruderalis ones resulting in seeds that produce a high yielding plant with a fast flowering time making it more suitable for beginning cannabis growers.

This new version of Jack Herer is good at retaining the plant’s taste, scent and looks and the growing period of this strain is around 80 days (plus or minus 3 weeks). It is sativa dominant and is a Jack Herer/Ruderalis genetic cross resulting in the characteristics described above. The plants, which grow higher than many, should start flowering after 8 weeks. The yield is relatively high compared to other varieties as is the production of THC (the psychoactive ingredient). The production of CBD is relatively low. This variety, which gives a clear head, is therefore more suitable for creative activity during the day than for relaxation at night.

Cannabis Type: Autoflowering Indica & Sativa
Genetic Background: Jack Herer x Critical XL Automatic
Flowering Time: 7-8 Weeks
Average Height: 60-90cm
Taste: Sweet and Spicy
Effect: Happy Relaxed
Yield indoor 600w: 400-500gr/m2
THC: High
CBD: Low

Jack Herer Autoflowering Lineage / Genealogy

Map of the Jack Herer Autoflowering Family Tree

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