Growers Choice
Frozen Cherry Runtz

Frozen Cherry Runtz

breed by Growers Choice

Here you can find all info about Frozen Cherry Runtz from Growers Choice. If you are searching for information about Frozen Cherry Runtz from Growers Choice, check out our Basic Infos or Lineage / Genealogy for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic / Breeders Info

Frozen Cherry Runtz is a mostly indica variety from and can be cultivated indoors (where the plants will need a flowering time of ±53 days), outdoors and in the greenhouse. Growers Choices Frozen Cherry Runtz is a THC dominant variety and is/was only available as feminized seeds.

Growers Choices Frozen Cherry Runtz Description

Growers Choice Frozen Cherry Runtz Frozen Cherry Runtz emerges as a captivating creation, a testament to the ingenuity of cannabis breeding.
Born from the exhilarating union of the renowned Cherry strain and the beloved Runtz – a delightful cross of Zkittlez and Gelato – this strain stands out in our extensive catalog as the epitome of fruitiness and sourness, promising a sensory journey like no other.
The unique "Frozen" designation is attributed to a distinct phenotype within the Cherry strain, a hidden gem discovered for its remarkable elevation in THC levels compared to its counterparts.
As Frozen Cherry Runtz matures through its growth cycle, it unveils an astonishing ability to produce resin, turning each bud into a visual spectacle and enhancing the overall enjoyment of the strain.
Picture medium-height plants adorned with a captivating aesthetic – light green hues with subtle pink undertones and vibrant orange hairs.
Frozen Cherry Runtz is not just a feast for the eyes; it is a harmonious blend of flavors and effects that captivates the senses.
Enthusiasts seeking a cannabis experience that marries fruity and sour notes with a potent THC kick will find Frozen Cherry Runtz to be an exceptional and unparalleled choice.
In conclusion, Frozen Cherry Runtz is not merely a strain; it is an exploration into the possibilities of cannabis genetics, offering a symphony of flavors and effects that redefine the cannabis experience.
For those who appreciate the artistry of breeding and crave a sensory adventure, Frozen Cherry Runtz is an invitation to indulge in a truly remarkable cannabis journey.

Yield outdoor 600-750 grams per plant
Flowering time indoor 9 weeks
Harvest month outdoor September
Yield indoor 650-750 grams /m2
Mold resistance High
THC 30%+
Height indoor filter Low - 80cm - 120cm
Height indoor 90 - 120 cm
Height outdoor 150 - 200 cm
Harvest month outdoor september
Parents Cherry x Runtz
Genetics 70% indica - 30% sativa

Frozen Cherry Runtz Lineage / Genealogy

Map of the Frozen Cherry Runtz Family Tree

Click to show all parents of Frozen Cherry Runtz in our dynamic family tree map.

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