Grand Cru Genetics
Cinderella 99

Cinderella 99

breed by Grand Cru Genetics

Here you can find all info about Cinderella 99 from Grand Cru Genetics. If you are searching for information about Cinderella 99 from Grand Cru Genetics, check out our Basic Infos or Lineage / Genealogy for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information - or list all Cinderella 99 Strains (19) to find a different version. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic / Breeders Info

Cinderella 99 is a mostly sativa variety from and can be cultivated indoors (where the plants will need a flowering time of ±55 days), outdoors and in the greenhouse. Grand Cru Genetics' Cinderella 99 is a THC dominant variety and is/was only available as feminized seeds.

Grand Cru Genetics' Cinderella 99 Description

Grand Cru Genetics Cinderella 99 "Cinderella 99, also called C99, is a hybrid variety that stands out for its compact and vigorous growth. Its striking-looking buds are packed with resin and feature a charming color scheme ranging from shades of green to orange and purple. Its stunning appearance makes it one of the most attractive and popular strains on the market.

Cultivation features
a compact and branched structure. Its buds, dense and full of bright trichomes, dazzle with a color scheme that encompasses green, orange and purple tones. This strain is distinguished by its ease of cultivation and adaptability, making it a popular choice for both novice and experienced growers.

During growth it shows calluses on the nodes of the stems that provide flexibility to the branches and important support for the weight of the flowers. It develops very quickly during the first two weeks, so feeding should be increased accordingly. of the deficiencies it may present. It accepts pruning well since it contributes to good branching, although in all cases it will form a good central flower.

Flowering time is 8-9 weeks

Organoleptic properties
It presents fruity aromas, and several phenotypes can be appreciated, in which you can find more skunk flavors with citrus and sweet touches and others with fruity notes that are reminiscent of tropical fruits such as pineapple.

Effects of Cinderella 99
It has a powerful, active, joyful and creative effect due to the good relationship between cannabionides. Its effects are characterized by a stimulating and energetic cerebral euphoria that awakens creativity and happiness. This strain is perfect for moments of inspiration and artistic activities. In addition, its body effect is gently relaxing, allowing you to enjoy a balanced and pleasant experience.

As a therapeutic plant, it is ideal for avoiding nausea and promotes the disappearance of stress despite its low CBD content. It can generate a psychoactive effect and be recommended for people with depression.

Cinderella 99 Specifications:
Bank: Grand Cru Genetics
Genetics: (Jack Herer x Jack Herer)
Sex: Feminized
Harvest: 55 days (September 30)
Production: Medium - High
THC %: 21%
Aromas: Pineapple and banana
Classification: Sativa Hybrid
Stretch: 1.5X"

Cinderella 99 Lineage / Genealogy

Map of the Cinderella 99 Family Tree

Click to show all parents of Cinderella 99 in our dynamic family tree map.

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