Caramel Automatic

Caramel Automatic

breed by Zamnesia

Here you can find all info about Caramel Automatic from Zamnesia. If you are searching for information about Caramel Automatic from Zamnesia, check out our Basic Infos or Lineage / Genealogy for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information - or list all Caramel Strains (44) to find a different version. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic / Breeders Info

Caramel Automatic is an automatic flowering ruderalis/indica/sativa variety from and can be cultivated indoors and outdoors where the female, autoflowering plants need ±60 days from the seedling to the harvest. Zamnesias Caramel Automatic is a THC dominant variety and is/was only available as feminized seeds.

Zamnesias Caramel Automatic Description

Zamnesia Caramel Automatic Exuding a rambunctious amount of sweet flavours, Caramel Automatic from Zamnesia Seeds is a strain of connoisseur quality. Blessed not only with a superb taste, this inherently Indica super strain is easy to grow, aromatic and notably potent in effect.
Derived from an exemplary specimen of Spanish Indica, she was later mixed with a Ruderalis strain to create the perfect autoflowering package - one that sweet-toothed cultivators have been yearning for.
Just as her name suggests, Caramel Automatic is an extra sweet customer - something of a rare treat by today's market. To compliment her sweet taste she emits an equally sweet aroma, not to mention induces an intense (but ultimately pleasurable) stone experience. This stone manages to permeate through your entire body, smothering any aches and pains you may have. With that in mind (or rather body) it's no wonder medicinal marijuana users are quick to spark her up. It is well documented that sufferers of chronic pain, muscle spasms, migraines and arthritis have benefited from her sweet embrace.
As aforementioned, Caramel Automatic is an easy strain to grow, so much so even first time growers will have no troubles achieving great results.
Demonstrating typical Indica tendencies, she grows to a compact 1m in height - perfect for those pushed for space. Her sturdiness coupled with her abundant yields are in no way hindered by her pint-sized proportions. Speaking of yields, on average Caramel Automatic is capable of producing in the region of 80-110g of (high quality) weed per plant. These plentiful yields are all achieved within just 8-9 weeks. Unbelievable!
Truly Caramel Automatic serves up some sweetest bud around. If you're a cannabis connoisseur, autoflowering enthusiast or first time grower you'd would all be mad to miss out on such a potent pot provider.

Flowering Time: 8-9 weeks from seed to harvest
THC: Medium
CBD: Medium
Yield (indoor): 400-450g/m2
Yield (outdoor): 80-110g/plant
Height Indoor: 1m
Height Outdoor: 1m

Caramel Automatic Lineage / Genealogy

Map of the Caramel Automatic Family Tree

Click to show all parents of Caramel Automatic in our dynamic family tree map.

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