Blackout Automatic

Blackout Automatic

breed by Zamnesia

Here you can find all info about Blackout Automatic from Zamnesia. If you are searching for information about Blackout Automatic from Zamnesia, check out our Basic Infos or Lineage / Genealogy for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information - or list all Blackout Strains (7) to find a different version. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic / Breeders Info

Blackout Automatic is an automatic flowering mostly indica variety from and can be cultivated indoors and outdoors where the female, autoflowering plants need ±60 days from the seedling to the harvest. Zamnesias Blackout Automatic is a THC dominant variety and is/was only available as feminized seeds.

Zamnesias Blackout Automatic Description

Zamnesia Blackout Automatic As part of an exclusive collaboration between FastBuds and Zamnesia Seeds, Blackout Automatic is a limited-edition autoflowering cultivar that showcases outstanding genetics. Complete with massive levels of THC and a selection of finely tuned terpenes, this cultivar provides great flavours, aromas, and a powerful high you won't forget. Act fast; it won't be around for long (limited to 500 packs).

FastBuds x Zamnesia Seeds - Blackout Automatic: Dazzling, Dark Buds Teeming With Flavour

Another unique, exclusive, and limited-edition collaboration is here for you to sample. Blackout Automatic is an autoflowering strain from the minds at FastBuds and Zamnesia Seeds. Boasting supreme genetics and one-of-a-kind colouring, this plant is a true showstopper that deserves a place in your grow-op. Let's take a peek, and show you precisely what Blackout Automatic is capable of.
Blackout Automatic: A Potent Combination of Kalini Asia x Blueberry Cookies

When it comes to collaborating, you've got to bring your A-game. In the case of cannabis, it's all about determining the right pairing of genetics. With that in mind, Zamnesia brought forth our Kalini Asia and combined it with a bit of Blueberry Cookies courtesy of FastBuds. The result is a hugely potent strain that's bound to soothe any stoner.
Growing Blackout Automatic

As an autoflowering strain, Blackout Automatic provides an easygoing growing experience for all. Regardless of prior experience, growers are treated to a receptive and resilient specimen that requires very little in the way of maintenance, other than regular upkeep. However, cultivators looking to experiment with LST will not be disappointed. Blackout Automatic can handle low-stress intervention with ease.

All it takes is 8–9 weeks from seed to harvest to get your hands on a huge haul of buds. And what buds they are. Dark purple flowers are your reward for growing Blackout Automatic, and you'll receive up to 50–150g/plant of them outdoors and 400–500g/m² indoors—a sizeable yield for any grower.

Aroma, Flavour, and Effects of Blackout Automatic

While looks are one thing, we all know that the real proof is in the flavours, aromas, and effects. Blackout Automatic takes the best attributes of its parent strains to deliver something incredibly tasty. With sweet lemon and pleasantly woody notes, this strain straddles sweet and savoury perfectly, culminating in a complex and decadent experience. Whether smoking, vaping, or dabbing, there's plenty of flavour to enjoy.

When it comes to effects, Blackout Automatic has the potential to live up to its name. Boasting 26% THC and an array of stoning terpenes, the effects are potent and fast-acting, beginning with an uplifting surge in inspiration, followed by deeply relaxing and soothing sensations. This makes Blackout Automatic the perfect strain to enjoy while switching off at the end of a long week.

Genetics 60% Indica / 40% Sativa
Parents Kalini Asia X Blueberry Cookies
THC 26%
CBD 0-1%
Yield (Indoor) 450-500 gr/m²
Yield (Outdoor) 100-150 gr/plant
Height (Indoor) 110cm
Height (Outdoor) 110cm

Blackout Automatic Lineage / Genealogy

Map of the Blackout Automatic Family Tree

Click to show all parents of Blackout Automatic in our dynamic family tree map.

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