Guerilla Gold #3

Guerilla Gold #3

breed by Smoke A Lot Seeds

Here you can find all info about Guerilla Gold #3 from Smoke A Lot Seeds. If you are searching for information about Guerilla Gold #3 from Smoke A Lot Seeds, check out our Basic Infos, Lineage / Genealogy or Hybrids / Crossbreeds for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information - or list all Guerilla Gold #3 Strains (±2) to find a different version. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic / Breeders Info

Guerilla Gold #3 is a ruderalis/indica/sativa variety from and can be cultivated outdoors. Smoke-A-Lots Guerilla Gold #3 is a THC dominant variety and is/was never available as feminized seeds.

Smoke-A-Lots Guerilla Gold #3 Description

Smoke A Lot Seeds Guerilla Gold #3 GG#3 has the most outstanding consistent potency out of all the GG lines and it is also the most afghan dominant. This is an early and hardy outdoor strain that produces tight, extremely resin coated nugs with a very dank sweet seasoning and acidic hash smell. It has a very powerful euphoric and psychedelic effect and relieves pain as well. Great bag appeal. Harvest end of August to September 10th.

Early Gold X (Afgan X Mighty Mite) F7
3-4 Feet in Height
2-4 Ounces per Plant

Guerilla Gold #3 Lineage / Genealogy

Guerilla Gold #3 Hybrids & Crossbreeds

We found 13 direct descendants from Smoke-A-Lots Guerilla Gold #3 in the seedfinder strain database, here a short overview. To see all hybrids and their descendants, visit our Guerilla Gold #3 Genealogy Page and check out all the direct crosses as like as the following generations.

Critically Early Guerrilla
Critical Mass x Guerilla Gold #3
Early Bluebonic
Blue Bonic x Guerilla Gold #3
Early Grape
Sweet Hashplant #4 x Guerilla Gold #3
Early Guerrilla Skunk
Patriot Medicine x Guerilla Gold #3
Early Turd
Shit x Guerilla Gold #3
Guerrilla Kush
{SFV OG x Blue Satellite 2.2} x Guerilla Gold #3
Guerrilla Pearls
{(Skunk #1 x Guerilla Gold #3) x Early Pearl} x Auto GG
MightyD Guerrilla Mass
{Mighty Durban x Critical Mass} x Guerilla Gold #3
Patriot Medicine
{Skunk #1 x Guerilla Gold #3} x Guerilla Gold #3
Early Grape Berry
{Unknown Hashplant Grape HashPlant #4 x Blueberry} x {Guerilla Gold #3 #3 x Guerilla Gold #3 #3}

Map of the Guerilla Gold #3 Descendants

If you are with a big screen and not browsing with your mobile, check out our dynamic family tree map with all known hybrids of Guerilla Gold #3! (but this maybe will need some time to load all the data!)

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User Reviews

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Medical Values

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