Clone Only
Cherry Fritter

Cherry Fritter

a clone only variety

Here you can find all info about the clone only cannabis strain Cherry Fritter. If you are searching for information about the clone only Cherry Fritter, check out our Basic Infos, Lineage / Genealogy or Hybrids / Crossbreeds for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information - or list all Cherry Fritter Strains (±3) to find a different version. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic Strain Info

Cherry Fritter is an indica/sativa variety, listed in our database as a clone only strain and can be cultivated indoors and outdoors. .

What do we know about the clone-only Cherry Fritter?

Clone Only Strains Cherry Fritter Stats: 28.05% – THC 32.57% Total Cannabinoids

Aroma: Barnyard Straw, Dry Mint, Hay, Sour Fruit, and Dead Grass.

Structure: Dark, frosty, alluring. Tight, dense buds that crumble a little from cure that is a tad dry, but not too bad.

Palate: Muted Spice, Plain Yogurt, Mothball, Slight Earth Finish.

Effect: Average Strength – Expect some euphoria and mild relaxation.

Overall: This is the last time that I purchase a gram. Gone are the days when I can expect the same quality as you would get from an 1/8th. So I just gotta throw this disclaimer up, because I feel like I received a poor representation of this strain, but if you’ve had this strain before, please comment below and tell me what your thoughts are.

Even though this product only had 6 weeks from the time it was packaged, by the time I opened the jar, there were hardly any terps left. The seal was tight and untampered with, so no foul play here 🕵️‍♂️

I picked up on the hay and straw aroma immediately. Surprising, considering that Cherry Pie x Apple Fritter sounds like a cross that would just be bursting with juice. Instead, there’s a light sour fruit aspect that I suspect is from the Apple Fritter and some more undertones of dead vegetation.

Combusting the herb provides a mild throat hit, but still smooth. The flavors accurately represent the muted aromas, as I get some of the spice from Grandaddy Purple in the Cherry Pie, and a smooth and creamy earthy finish.

Sadly, I can only base this review upon the product that I bought. I’ve heard this strain can stack up with the rest of them and with a good batch this could have been a completely different experience. If I had received a jar of smalls I would have understood, but I got two very pretty little nugs that totaled to 1.1g – Clearly something went wrong here.

Cherry Fritter Lineage / Genealogy

Map of the Cherry Fritter Family Tree

Click to show all parents of Cherry Fritter in our dynamic family tree map.

Cherry Fritter Hybrids & Crossbreeds

Cherry Ave.
Cherry Fritter x Blowpops Bx1

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User Reviews

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