White Widow

White Widow

breed by Seedsman

Here you can find all info about White Widow from Seedsman. If you are searching for information about White Widow from Seedsman, check out our Basic Infos, Gallery, Degustation, Strain Reviews, Lineage / Genealogy, Hybrids / Crossbreeds or User Comments for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information - or list all White Widow Strains (179) to find a different version. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic / Breeders Info

White Widow is a mostly sativa variety from and can be cultivated indoors (where the plants will need a flowering time of ±56 days) and outdoors. Seedsmans White Widow is a THC dominant variety and is/was also available as feminized seeds.

Seedsmans White Widow Description

Seedsman White Widow Genetics: Indian/Brasilian
Variety: Mostly Sativa
Type: Stabilised Hybrid
Harvest Date: End of October
Flowering Period: 8 weeks
THC Content: 15-20%
Characteristics: Plants white with crystals.

This strain appeard in Holland at the beginning of the 1990s and quickly became a hit in all the coffee shops and not long after around the globe.

It is a potent cross of a Brasilian sativa and an Indian indica. Its name stems from its immense crystal production that makes it shine and glimmer.

White Widow can be grown both indoors and outdoors finishing indoors in around 8 weeks and outdoors in late October.

This is a great strain for wannabe breeders but will also suit those that enjoy an easy to grow strain with a very strong sativa effect.

White Widow Reviews

We've collected strain info from 8 growers for White Widow, check out the reviews about the indoor and outdoor grow here.

General Impression

Strength / Lasting Effect
The weed affects middle-high to high
User Rating
White Widow gets 6.94 of 10 possible Points in the average!

Known Phenotypes:

  1. short, compact, slowly blossoming, indica-dominant Phenotype
  2. long, stretched, sativa-dominant Phenotype

More Info:

Please click here to see the full Plant-Profile!

How is White Widow growing outdoors?

Harvest Time Outdoor
End of September ± 1 Week
in BxlSaβ climates
End of September ± 3 Weeks
in CmShα climates
Yield / Quantity Outdoor
The crop of this strain is great
General Impression Outdoor
White Widow is all together slightly below average

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How is White Widow growing indoors?

Flowering Time Indoor
58 - 71 days (±64 days)
Yield / Quantity Indoor
The crop of this strain is slightly above average
General Impression Indoor
White Widow is all together a quite good strain

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White Widow Degustation

The seedfinder users tested White Widow and uploaded information about the aroma, taste and effects of Seedsmans White Widow. Here a short overview, click to the charts or links to get an exact description and find similar cannabis varieties!

Aroma / Smell

~2% Pineapple ~1% Mango ~3% Coconut ~1% Berry ~5% Tropical ~4% Blood Orange ~0% Butter ~1% Sour Cream ~2% Mustard ~1% Curry ~2% Tabasco ~1% Soy Sauce ~1% Mint ~2% Pepper ~0% Cinnamon ~0% Basilicum ~0% Thyme ~9% Dill ~1% Parsley ~-4% Fennel ~1% Medicine ~1% Glue ~4% Diesel ~11% Tar ~2% Tee ~3% Coffee ~2% Vinegar ~20% Floral ~6% Fruity ~4% Sugar ~4% Chocolate ~2% Licorice ~5% Citrus ~4% Orange ~2% Dairy ~5% Acidic ~6% Hot ~9% Herbs ~5% Pine ~17% Chemical ~6% Organic ~1% Rot ~1% Earth ~1% Musky ~7% Sweat ~1% Charcoal ~-2% Wood ~35% Sweet ~15% Sour ~20% Spicy ~23% Bitter ~8% Microbiological

The aroma / smell of White Widow can be described best as fairly Sweet (Floral; a little bit Fruity, Sugar and Chocolate and also with a touch of Licorice), a little bit Bitter (very much Chemical and also a bit of Organic), Spicy (Pine and Herbs and also a bit of Hot) and Sour (a bit of Citrus, Acidic and Orange and also a little bit Dairy) and additionally as minimal Microbiological (or Sweat; a little bit Musky, Rot and Charcoal and also with a touch of Earth). more

Taste / Flavour

~30% Sweet ~10% Sour ~20% Spicy ~25% Bitter ~15% Microbiological

The taste / flavour of White Widow was characterized as fairly Sweet and Bitter and additionally as a little bit Spicy, Microbiological and Sour. more

Effect / Effectiveness

~8% Activating ~10% Uplifting ~14% Light headed ~41% Exhilarating ~4% Relaxing ~10% Thought provoking ~4% Racy ~-10% Spacy / Confusing ~3% Calming ~9% Sleepy ~9% Dizzying ~1% Nervous / Fidgety ~4% Energetic ~-7% Pain numbing ~83% Head ~18% Body

White Widow have basically a prominent effect to the Head (Exhilarating; fairly Spacy / Confusing; a little bit Light headed and Uplifting and also minimal Relaxing and Racy) but is also affecting (a little bit less) to the Body (Sleepy and Dizzying; a little bit Energetic and Calming and also minimal Nervous / Fidgety and Pain numbing). more

Here you see the latest White Widow photos, uploaded from our users! Altogether we've collected 14 pictures from Seedsmans White Widow, check out our White Widow gallery to view them all.

White Widow Lineage / Genealogy

Map of the White Widow Family Tree

Click to show all parents of White Widow in our dynamic family tree map.

White Widow Hybrids & Crossbreeds

Mac Widow
White Widow x Gas Mac
White Widow
White Widow

Map of the White Widow Descendants

If you are with a big screen and not browsing with your mobile, check out our dynamic family tree map with all known hybrids of White Widow! (but this maybe will need some time to load all the data!)

White Widow User Comments

Altogether we've collected 6 user comments about Seedsmans White Widow. Here you find the 6 english user comments:

- 15.07.2020

This comment is connected to a White Widow review!

This was my first grow and i messed up at a lot of things, so this review might be ab bit exeptional. In the beginning, even though the seedling almost died of thirst, it was doing better than all the other strains I grew along, so I kept it. I fertilized and repotted too early, had too little airflow, wrong soil (batmix, which is intended for flowering) and messed up with humidity. Still, she made it. After a few flushes and changes in my routine I initiated flowering (after 180 days, yes, i know), from which she took another 80 days to finfish. I could have harvested earlier because the buds werent changing at all the last 2 weeks. So, i think waiting for trichomes to turn amber is futile, must be called White Widow for a reason. Im still in the harvesting process which is why I cant tell how much I yielded at the end, but dry it should be something like 15g. However, I tasted a Bud I yielded a few days earlier, and for a occaisonal somker like me, something like 0.15g were sufficient for me to experience a very light, but uplifting and sativa-like this comment

- 23.09.2016

This comment is connected to a White Widow review!

Aroma: Heavy floral with a hint of dill and pine-tar, cloaked in a sativa sweat.

Strong and long lasting high. Mostly light-headed, spaced-out, and speedy but there is some body with a bit of dizziness and a desire to sleep it off. I was highly motivated and did quality work but a couple times it took me towards the edge of panic. Not to the edge but towards it. Nothing too serious, but I would have been very happy taking a nap until it eased off. After the peak it was a nice combination of alert, mellow, and relaxing. I can't say I liked everything about the high. I'll need to feel it a few more times to see if that peak is more manageable now that I know what to expect. this comment

- 27.02.2016

This comment is connected to a White Widow review!

I planted this strain very early in spring, giving it a full growing season outdoors. It put up with some very hot days + 40. During veg it grew very vigorous, honestly thought it was going to be a keeper. Grew to 7ft yielded just under 1lb. The buds were extremely fluffy but very resinous and hard work manicuring. I might of got a dud seed but I won't grow this again. Smoke was ok tho. this comment

- 20.07.2014

This comment is connected to a White Widow review!

Hatte 1 fem. free-seed.

Typisches indica-Wachstumsbild mit WW-Geschmack und -Aroma. Habe keine Zwitter/Bananen entdeckt. Leider ließ die Wuchskraft etwas zu Wünschen übrig. Sie war relativ Ertrags-arm. Die Buds waren zwar sehr lecker aber es gibt sicherlich stärkere WW-Phenos mit dickeren Buds.

Fazit: Typischer WW-Geschmack, aber sehr kleine Pflanze gehabt this comment

- 13.04.2013

This comment is connected to a White Widow review!

This was a F1 and I got 3 different phenotypes out of 10 plants. I ended up »selfing« one that looked decent still was at 9 1/2 weeks. This plant averaged just over 10 weeks. Out of the two main phenotypes there was one with more of a sativa like bud structure with round bud formations, the more Indica structured plants were long and lanky buds. The round nugs were very sweet. The lanky buds where almost chemical, acrid tasting. this comment

- 21.02.2012

This comment is connected to a White Widow review!

Grew it outdoor:

Became a huge plant. Insane yield. Weed wasnt that strong though.

Large quantity, ok quality is best description. Good plant to start with. this comment

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