Seedbank Reviews
Eva Seed

Eva Seed Seedbank Review

Eva Female Seeds Logo

Payment per: Bank, Credit Cards, C.O.D., Bitcoins
Located in Spain.

Eva Female Seeds is born with the spirit to bring feminized seeds to the cultivators of cannabis. Easy culture, good production and a reasonable price, and to the experienced cultivators, the opportunity to work with unique varieties with exquisite aromas and power. Varieties are selected by its flavor, production and quality. In summary, perfect for any cultivator.

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User Rating

Product Quality
Delivery Speed
Customer Service
General Impression

On a scale between 0 und 10 points, based on one user review.

SeedFinder Info

Eva Seed is listed as "gray" at the SeedFinder. This means we do not have very much info about this seedbank - you should have a view to the user-reviews or try by self at your own risk. Btw... This company is listed as a breeder at the SeedFinder...

User Reviews

Germany, September 2023

General Impression

what should i say?
good price, verry good stealthy sending............
allfine this

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